Welcome to the National Justice and Peace Network


‘As pilgrims of hope NJPN resolves to open wide the doors for future generations ensuring as we go that no one is left behind

Journey with us this jubilee year as we open the doors to a just peace for current and future generations

Join us as we commit to taking restorative action to bring about peace and justice for migrants, or people living in poverty and inequality and for a world in climate crisis.

‘We owe it to future generations to make this Jubilee permanent’

Opening Doors to a Real Living Wage

Saturday 16th November:  Open Networking Day in Leeds

Opening Doors to Freedom from Trafficking and Slavery

Thursday 6th February:   Evening Zoom Meeting

Opening Doors to Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Monday 7th April:  Evening Zoom Meeting

Opening Doors to a Sustainable World for Future Generations

Saturday 10th May: Open Networking Day in London (CAFOD)

Opening Doors to a Just Peace           

Swanwick Conference:  25 – 27 July


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