‘Faith and Creation: A Call to Mission’
Join Columban missionaries, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP, the Liverpool Justice & Peace Commission and others for a day exploring responses to Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Laudato Si’, on Saturday 24th October 2015, 10.00am to 4.00pm at The Conference Centre at LACE in Liverpool.
Laudato Si: On the Care of our Common Home is a reminder to all Christians that care for creation is a core element of our faith. The Columban missionaries have long been a prophetic voice in the campaign for greater awareness of climate change and its impact on the poorest communities.
Ellen Teague of Columban JPIC and Dominican John O’Connor OP will speak and set the scene for participants to engage in practical action. The day will continue with the celebration of Mass by Archbishop McMahon OP and an afternoon dedicated to exploring Laudato Si’ more deeply towards arriving at practical ways in which all those who attend can contribute to the care of our common home.
Facilitated by James Trewby of Columban Justice & Peace Education, the day is organised as a gesture of thanks for the welcome and generous support we have received from Liverpool’s parishes when we visited for the Annual Mission Appeal and is open to anyone interested in taking part. The Columban Mission Appeal Team will be there and we are delighted that Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP will be joining us.
About the speakers
Ellen Teague has been working with the Columban Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Team for 25 years and is a life-long campaigner for greater awareness of the devastating impact of climate change, especially on the poor. Ellen will draw on Laudato Si’ and the experience of Columban missionaries to illustrate the ecological crisis facing the world and its human roots.
John O’Connor OP is Prior and Secretary of Studies at Blackfriars in Oxford, a Dominican Friar, Catholic priest and moral philosopher. He will give an introduction to the theology of creation presented in Laudato Si’ and the lines of approach and action we can take from a faith perspective.
Event registration
Register to attend via Eventbrite or contact Helen Dufficy in the Columban Mission Office
Tel: 01564 772 096 E-mail: helen.dufficy@columbans.co.uk
There is no charge for this event, but a voluntary donation of £10 per person is suggested. All those attending will receive a welcome pack, with a copy of Laudato Si’, and lunch.
The Missionary Society of St. Columban (Columban Missionaries) is a Catholic organisation working in fifteen countries with a special commitment to Asia and Latin America. Columbans are missionaries who go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In Britain, the Columban presence aims to encourage and listen to the local Church in its efforts to reach out beyond its boundaries. Sharing our Columban mission experience, we respond to our call in Britain by raising awareness of Columban mission overseas; working in solidarity with the poor and the exploited Earth, for justice, peace and the integrity of creation; promoting life-giving relationships between peoples of different cultures and religions; and facilitating the exchange of personnel and resources between Britain and other places where Columbans work.