A Message from Church Action on Poverty
The Government has listened to us!
“We have listened, we have heard and we are willing to provide further guarantees.”
(Lord Freud, Government spokesperson)
Hundreds of people used our email action to speak out against the Government’s plans to scrap the legally-binding commitment to count the number of children living in poverty in the UK. We didn’t think we’d be able to change their minds, but thanks to those campaigners, they have reintroduced a legal duty to publish annual data on the number of children living in low-income households.
Now, the millions of children living in poverty will not disappear from view. And we will continue working to make sure the benefits system guarantees that everyone has enough to survive, and that work is a real route out of poverty.
When we act together, we really can achieve change and Close the Gap between rich and poor.
Best wishes
Liam Purcell
Communications Manager, Church Action on Poverty
What we are about
Church Action on Poverty works with church and community groups across the UK to make tackling poverty a priority. Our work involves: educating churches about poverty in the UK; enabling people in poverty to speak for themselves; working for policies to eradicate poverty; promoting reflection and action for social justice.