All posts by Anne Peacey

Portsmouth Diocese Justice, Peace and Social Responsibility Bulletin May 2017

 In the latest newsletter from Portsmouth diocese you will find  information  on Green Christian’s weekend conference ‘Learning to Live in Earth as our Common Home’  as well as details of Winchester University Summer School Neighbour or Stranger: A Christian Response to Forced Displacement in our World’

Download the newsletter here:


Lancaster Faith and Justice Commission Newsletter


The latest issue of the Lancaster Faith and Justice Commission provides information on events and awareness raising opportunities.  Topics addressed this month include preparing for the general election, ethical investment, the ‘Pedal for Peace’ coast to coast ride, key findings of Trussell Trust report on ‘Universal Credit and Foodbanks’ together much more information from around the diocese.

Download the newsletter here


Greenpeace: Donald Trump and Paris climate deal

 Right now – it’s being reported that President Donald Trump is deciding whether or not to pull the United States out of the Paris climate deal 
Will you ask Theresa May to put her foot down with Donald Trump? 

If thousands ask the Prime Minister to stand up to President Donald Trump, we can get this campaign in the newspapers and start a national conversation about this issue, so that there’s no way she can avoid it – whether she’s at public press conferences or on the campaign trail.

Click here to sign the petition

Important new resource from Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact)

Pact would like to share with you their brand new animation telling the real life story of a child whose home was raided by police. The animation, which was co-created with children and young people who have been affected by the imprisonment of a parent or close family member, is the first in a series that will highlight the trauma and fear that children often experience when their homes are raided by police.   

Read more here 

“Food is a divine gift” – WCC invites Global Day of Prayer to End Famine


“Food is more than a human right; it is a divine gift that cannot be impeded. As people of faith on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, we are called to respond to the hunger crisis through prayer, and we encourage communities of all faiths to organize themselves around the issue of access to food.”

Join the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine, 21 May 2017