All posts by Anne Peacey

The Home Affairs Committee report on system for asylum accommodation: NJPN response


It is unacceptable that those who have fled intolerable and dangerous situations, leaving behind homes and treasured possessions, should not find a welcome among us.

We must, however, recognise the fact that many of our fellow citizens also feel like strangers in a society where they feel increasingly excluded from the mainstream and are equally inadequately housed. It cannot be a question of ‘them or us’ where vulnerable groups are used as political footballs.

We reconise that there is a national shortage of decent affordable housing but in a highly developed country all people must have access to a safe space where they may live with dignity and achieve both physical and mental well-being. We must continually raise our voices and support those groups and agencies working for a fair distribution of resources and a comprehensive housing policy where no one is forced to merely exist in a place which diminishes their humanity.  

Anne Peacey

For Catholic Universe 17.2.17

Home affairs committee conclusions and recommendations


***NJPN Action of the Week*** Shelter: Help us make renting more stable

We believe everyone should have the right to a secure, stable home; an opportunity to put down roots and plan for the future. Short-term rental contracts prevent renters from being able to enjoy this security.
We don’t think this is right, and we know you don’t either. Last year, 89% of you told us you thought short-term rental contracts were unfair.
The government have said they want to do more for renters, and they’re encouraging landlords of newly built homes to offer three-year tenancies. But this isn’t enough: it will take years to improve the lives of England’s 11 million renters. Renters can’t wait – they need urgent change now.
Together we can push the government to take bolder steps – and sooner.

 Help us have the biggest impact we possibly can – sign our petition! 

Add your name


Oxfam: Have you drawn a line yet?

Already thousands of you have drawn a line, urging your MPs to help stop the sale of British made arms for use in Yemen. The pressure is mounting, with the government facing tough questions from MPs in parliament. And last week a judicial review put the spotlight on our government’s actions, with the UK accused of violating International Humanitarian Law. 

You’re standing up for people in a dire situation – and standing up against immoral behaviour from our own government. But in the meantime, millions of men, women and children in Yemen are just one step away from famine. We have to keep the pressure up.

If you’re not one of the people who has written to their MP, please do so today. We simply can’t stand by while British-made bombs fuel the crisis in Yemen.

Not written to your MP yet?


Lancaster Faith and Justice Commission Newsletter

The latest issue of the Lancaster Faith and Justice Commission provides information on events and awareness raising opportunities.  Topics addressed this month include  a report on ‘Children in Custody, an update on ‘Care for Calais’ as well as an article on development aid by John Battle

Download the newsletter here


London Catholic Worker: live-in volunteers and community members

London Catholic Worker is currently looking for new live-in volunteers and community members for their house of hospitality in North London.

If you think this is something you would be interested in and would like further details

Click here

or download poster here:

Volunteers wanted