Latest news from Lancaster Faith and Justice
The April Bulletin from Lancaster Faith and Justice is now available.
I hope you will be able to take the time to read and share the newsletter.
The newsletter can be at downloaded
Reports and newsletters mentioned in this issue and previous newsletters are also available at :
NJPN Comment in the Catholic Universe: Dr.Andrew Rollinson – Single acts can make a difference
I was in a busy city-centre train station a few weeks ago. It was a cold, early morning, and I fancied a cup of coffee. So entering one of the platform cafés I did what I always do and asked for a cup without the plastic lid. More often as not this request is refused, for reasons which I am told concern my own ‘health and safety, an explanation for which it is futile to argue against, thus resulting in me leaving without buying a drink.
Read more here: NJPN comment
Vatican City: Faith leaders, peace practitioners deepen Church’s commitment to nonviolence and peace
On 4-5 April, the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Pax Christi International’s Catholic Nonviolence Initiative organized a workshop on the theme, “Path of Nonviolence: Towards a Culture of Peace.” With a consideration and understanding of current situations of conflict and violence, participants engaged in dialogue about the roots of violence, the hope for peace and reconciliation, and reflected on paths to a conversion to nonviolence. They noted that nonviolence is not only a method but a way of life, a way to protect and care for the conditions of life for today and tomorrow
Full statement below:
Pope Francis: “Youth, faith and vocational discernment”
On March 25th, marking the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Pope Francis visited the Italian hill town of Loreto, on the Adriatic Sea, a popular pilgrimage site for the Basilica of the Holy House of Mary, where Mary is believed to have grown up. On the occasion, Francis offered the Virgin Mary the Post-Synodal Exhortation of the Synod of Bishops on the theme: “Youth, faith and vocational discernment”, held in the Vatican from Oct. 3-28, 2018.
Read more here:
Latest J&P News from the North West
The NW NJPN E Bulletin for April 2019 leads with an article by Pax Christi’s former General Secretary Pat Gaffney looking back over her 29 years of dedicated service. An opinion piece by Dr Anna Rowlands challenges us to consider our response to the Shamima Begum case and we look too at the New Zealand terrorist attack in a hard-hitting article by an Australian theologian. There’s a report of the annual Ash Wednesday witness for peace at the Ministry of Defence as well as a plea for an end to UK arms sales to Yemen and the disturbing news of a thanksgiving service to be held by the government at Westminster Abbey to mark 50 years of the UK’s nuclear weapons systems.
Climate change is the subject of Bishop John Arnold’s Lent Pastoral Letter followed by the winning entry and runner-up in the Columbans’ climate change competition for young people – both excellent. An interesting article that readers may not have picked up on comments on a fact-finding visit by religious leaders from USA and South Africa to Israel and Palestine which compares racial discrimination in the former countries to the conflict in the Holy Land. All this plus news reports, resources and a packed diary including details of the NJPN Annual Conference in July – not to be missed!
Do please feel free to pass the bulletin on to others.
Wishing all our readers a blessed Easter.
Download newsletter here;
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin April 2019
World Council of Churches reflects on Gender Justice
World Council of Churches (WCC) representatives involved in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women say its outcomes reflect many of the pressures affecting efforts towards gender equality globally and call for churches to be active agents for justice in the lead-up to a critical UN review in 2020.
Read more here:
Latest news from Joint Public Issues Team
Welcome to the March Newsletter from The Joint Public Issues Team, and particularly to those who have recently signed up to the JPIT Newsletter at the Christian Resources Exhibition North (more below).
Spring is becoming more apparent (for those in the UK at least) and with it the signs of hope for new life. Our Living Lent community has been flourishing too, with almost 500 people receiving our daily mailshot of inspiration and encouragement. Over 200 people are part of our Living Lent Facebook groups, sharing tips and stories. You can find out how to join in with these below.
See more here:
NJPN Comment in the Catholic Universe: Fr.Rob Esdaile- Giving up my clothes for Lent
I was attracted by an email I received some weeks ago inviting me to take up the ‘Six Items Challenge’.
It came from campaign group ‘Labour Behind the Label’, which works to protect workers’ rights in the global garments industry.
They invited me to limit my wardrobe to just six items of outer clothing for six weeks, beginning on Ash Wednesday. How about that for a Lenten exercise?
Read more here: NJPN comment
NJPN Newsletter Spring 2019
The Spring edition of the NJPN newsletter is now available to download.
The lead article reports on the canonisation of Archbishop Oscar Romero, patron saint of NJPN.
Feedback from the National Poverty Consultation in Manchester, includes a report from campaigner Stef Benstead who shared his thoughts on Christian responses to poverty.
The speaking personally column features Ellen Teague, a member of the JPIC team of the Columban Missionary Society in Britain, who writes and campaigns on Justice, Peace and Ecology issues.
Download here: Newsletter Spring 2019
News from Lancaster Diocesan Faith & Justice Commission
The March edition of the F&J E-Bulletin and copy of a LiveSimply Lent Leaflet are now available to download.
I hope you will be able to take the time to read and share the newsletter.
The newsletter can be downloaded directly on
Download the Lent Leaflet here:
lent leaflet
Reports and newsletters mentioned in this issue and previous newsletters can be downloaded at:
Peace & best wishes
Margaret McSherry
Administrator Lancaster Diocesan Faith & Justice Commission