NJPN Open Networking Day – Saturday 12 November 2022

The next NJPN Open Networking Day will be held at CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB.
The day ‘A better kind of politics’ will be facilitated by the Quaker Truth and Integrity Group and will consider how shared ethical and spiritual values can lead to reconciliation between those with opposing views.
For further details contact:
NJPN Administrator,
Email: admin@justice-and-peace.org.uk
Click here to download poster
Save the Dates: NJPN Open Networking Days 2023
Here are the dates for the 2023 Open Networking Days and AGM. Please save and share with your contacts and others who might wish to attend.
Meeting Dates 2023

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin October 2022
The NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin for October 2022 looks at the recent Conservative Party Conference under the leadership of the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss. Elected by a handful of Tory Party members and not the first choice for the majority of her fellow MPs, she has had a shaky start with economic policies that have spooked the financial markets and resulted in a dramatic rise in interest rates. The decision to cut the 45% tax rate for the rich has now been reversed but, alas, the damage is done and, as usual, it is the poorest in our society who will suffer. It now seems likely that another humiliating U-turn is imminent, this time on benefit changes. The new government’s apparent lack of interest in stemming the tide of climate change is a concern for us all as George Monbiot’s hard-hitting opinion piece demonstrates. In the run-up to COP27 there are action ideas plus an invitation to a Heating & Energy workshop organised by Faiths4Change. Current reports feature the growing rebellion by schoolgirls in Iran; the war in Ukraine; ideas from Church Action on Poverty for Challenge Poverty Week and the award of a Nobel Peace Prize to human rights advocates from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
Please read and pass on.
Best wishes
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin October 2022
NJPN E-Bulletin 2nd October 2022
Dear Friends,
What a fortnight it has been. There is so much going on, and none of it very good, that I don’t really know where to start in compiling this edition.
Firstly, Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral was beautifully done, and it brought the whole country together for those few hours. And then things changed…
In the course of around an actual week of working, our new Prime Minister and her Government have managed to trash the economy, and will potentially be ruining the environment. Interest rates are rising, as are fuel bills and food costs. I am just waiting for the bottom to drop out of the housing market (although possibly that is their plan).
Around the world there is hunger, devastation from Hurricane Ian, and of course the situation in Ukraine – and that is getting very frightening when you think about what Putin’s end game could be, especially as he is losing face.
On the plus side, the Government are hitting rock bottom in the polls, and Labour’s leadership are looking like a viable alternative. (although unless something happens to force the current Government out, we still have a two year wait until we are able to vote).
I have included a sample of as much as I can, but there was not enough space for everything.
The next e-bulletin will be out later than normal, and should be around the 30th October. I am taking a short break, and then have a work commitment the following weekend. If you could please bear that in mind when sending items to be included. Apologies in advance.
Stay safe, and keep well and warm,
Autumn 2022 NJPN Newsletter
The Autumn 2022 edition of the NJPN newsletter contains numerous articles, including, but not limited to articles about this years conference, and much more,
Click below to open the latest newsletter
2022 Autumn Newsletter
The NW NJPN E BULLETIN FOR MID SEPTEMBER leads with an editorial from Together for the Common Good to inspire us in the challenging months ahead – do consider signing up for their excellent publications. We have a wide range of articles on climate change plus reflections on the late Queen Elizabeth II from writers Jeanette Winterson and Frank Cottrell Boyce. The growing momentum behind the move for reparations for slavery and colonialism indicate that the end of the Elizabethan era may herald the break-up of the Commonwealth as some countries seek to break free. The recent elections in Sweden signify a lurch towards the right with alarming consequences. You can watch the Carnall Peace Award Lecture for 2022 on United Nations International Peace Day, September 21st, given by this year’s recipient Professor Paul Rogers along with many other zoom meetings and events in a very packed diary for the autumn.
Best wishes
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin Mid September 2022
NJPN E-Bulletin 18th September 2022
NJPN E-Bulletin 18th September 2022

A Statement from The Princess Royal
I was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest Mother’s life. It has been an honour and a privilege to accompany her on her final journeys. Witnessing the love and respect shown by so many on these journeys has been both humbling and uplifting.
We all share unique memories. I offer my thanks to each and every one who share our sense of loss. We may have been reminded how much of her presence and contribution to our national identity we took for granted.
I am also so grateful for the support and understanding offered to my dear brother Charles as he accepts the additional responsibilities of The Monarch.
To my mother, The Queen, thank you.
Dear Friends,
A rather different way to start this week’s e-bulletin, and one that will not please all of you, nevertheless it is an historic moment in time that I feel we need to mark. As mentioned around the time of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, whether you are a supporter of the Monarchy or not, the fact that she reigned for over 70 years, and was still working two days before her death, at the age of 96, is still something to marvel at. And all this in the public eye.
Having said that, as our Cleaner at work said – ‘it is much easier to keep going if you have no financial worries, and you have someone else to pick up after you and your family.’
I might add that our Cleaner is a great supporter of the monarchy, and was even trying to persuade me to go and join The Queue, so is not at all bothered by the life of privilege that the Royal Family have.
Talking of The Queue, and everything that has happened over the past week, what a great sense of togetherness it has brought to a very fragmented nation. Even if you are not attending in person, you have probably read about it, followed it on the news, and marvelled at it!
The poignant few words from the Princess Royal, who has been described as the most hard-working of all of the royals, brought it home to me that not only had we lost our Monarch, but that a family had lost their Mum and Grandma etc. The whole Royal Family are having to hold back their grief in the goldfish bowl that is their life. No wonder there are rifts.
I was planning to do a Royal Section, but there are just so many articles. Literally everyone has produced a piece of writing – including every company and shop that I have ever bought from. I have been inundated with words about the Queen, as I am sure all of you have too, so my verbal Royal tribute will end here. May she rest in peace.
Obviously, the Queen’s passing rather over-shadowed our new Prime Minister taking Office. I have no good words to say, just incredulity at some of her Cabinet choices (a climate-denier as Energy Secretary – seriously??). More words will be said on the climate side of things below, and we have a climate-related Action of the Week. As someone said recently – ‘nothing else matters.’
The next e-bulletin will be out in around a fortnight,
God bless
NJPN E-Bulletin 18th September 2022
NJPN E-Bulletin 4th September 2022
NJPN E-Bulletin 4th September 2022

Thanksgiving for the Earth
Remember the fruits of the earth, for sowing and for harvest.
Remember the dew of the air.
Remember the downcoming of the rains and the waters and the rivers.
Remember the plants and the blooms of every year.
Remember the safety of humans and of animals and of me, your sinful servant.
For the rain, the wind of the sky, seed, plants, the fruit of the trees and also the vineyards, and
for every tree in the entire world,
We are grateful
For the Holy Trinity who brings us to perfection in safety and peace, forgives us our sins, brings us up according to their measure that we may grow and prosper through your grace,
who makes the face of the earth to rejoice, waters her furrows, lets her grain be abundantly multiplied and makes ready her seed-time and harvest,
We give You thanks
(adapted from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Pre-Anaphora, and Anaphora of Basil; and taken from the Celebration Guide for the Season of Creation)
Dear Friends,
So here we are – at the end of the summer – at least school holiday-wise, even if the weather has not yet caught on (where we are it is still far too hot). Climate change is definitely starting to make a difference.
By tomorrow we will have a new Prime Minister, and it is not looking like it will be a change for the good. I am sure that there will be more to say in that regard in the next e-bulletin.
Our Action of the Week is based on the energy and cost of living crises that will be upon us in the next couple of weeks. I am already trying to save on lighting and electricity/gas usage and I am hoping it doesn’t get too cold too quickly. Organisations are looking at what can be done to help, and all eyes will be on the new PM as to what package of measures they will introduce to help those who need it the most (although the cost of energy alone will mean that many more people will be struggling).
The next e-bulletin will be out in around two weeks time, so if you can bear that in mind when sending me something you want included.
God bless
NJPN E-Bulletin 4th September 2022
The September NW NJPN E BULLETIN leads with the cost of living crisis which threatens to plunge many people into poverty and despair. It’s still uncertain who will be the next Prime Minister but we can only hope that adequate support will be made available for all those who struggle to make ends meet. The other key area of concern is the climate crisis. The recent catastrophic floods in Pakistan are proof that the greenhouse effect needs addressing urgently.
World news includes a statement from Pax Christi International condemning the recent raid on Palestinian human rights offices and the destruction of St Andrew’s Church in Ramallah by Israeli forces, concerns for the safety of children returning to school in the Holy Land, a damning report of human rights violations in China against the Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minority groups, and a challenging opinion piece by writer and broadcaster Elaine Storkey. There’s a packed diary for the autumn, book and film reviews and news of a beautiful waterfall tapestry created by women who have suffered violence as part of the Women in Black support network.
Finally, a request from me for help. A reader has contacted me with the following suggestion:
“It seems to me that climate change is by far the greatest threat to human life in all the years human beings have walked this planet. We have reached the point where nothing else matters. Would it be possible to begin each bulletin with a section called Climate Monitor listing the latest developments (and in the case of the Church hierarchy the continuing absence of any significant action) in the struggle to avert climate catastrophe.”
If anyone has suggestions for this and/or can provide up to the minute info I’d be very grateful.
Another reader has welcomed the regular updates on the cost of living crisis. Do please continue to send feedback.
Please read and pass on to others.
Best wishes
Anne O’Connor
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Hello everyone
I am sending out the Autumn Mouthpeace in time for the Season of Creation. I have heard we will have an early Autumn this year because of the dry Summer and leaves are certainly turning yellow on some of the trees here.
Thank you to those who sent in positive contributions – things you have done or plan to do. It is such a change from the media news and good to know that J & P work is going on although sometimes under a different name.
Good reading and please pass it round to others who may like it.
Best wishes
Click below to download
Mouthpeace Autumn 2022