NJPN E-Bulletin 8th May 2022
Download the PDF version at NJPN E-Bulletin 8th May 2022
Hope isn’t something passive. I see us now as in a very dark tunnel, and at the end of this dark tunnel is a little star of light, and that’s hope. Well, we don’t just sit at our end of the tunnel and hope that light will come to us. No. We have to roll up our sleeves and crawl under and climb over all the obstacles between us and that star of light. So hope is about action. If we lose hope, that’s the big disaster. If we lose hope, why bother? When you have hope, you take action, and you see that you are making a difference…, and then other people get inspired, so it’s a, sort of, outward spiral, gathering in more people as it goes.
Words spoken by Jane Goodall, being interviewed by Satish Kumar, about her book, ‘The Book of Hope’
(and quoted by Paul Southgate at the NJPN AGM on the 7th May 2022)
Dear Friends,
We had our AGM and Networking Day yesterday, to which around 30 people attended on Zoom. I always come away from these events really enthused about the things that I have heard, and the people who have attended. There is always something new that I learn, and a Group that I wasn’t aware of. Thanks you to everyone for making all of the NJPN events so enriching.
It seemed right to quote Jane Goodall above, particularly as our Annual Conference, taking place at The Hayes Conference Centre in Derbyshire over the weekend of the 22nd to the 24th July, is entitled ‘Hope is a Verb with Its Sleeves Rolled Up.’ It promises to be a great weekend, with engaging speakers and interesting workshops. This is your last reminder to book before the price increases on the 20th May. Full details and a booking form are available on the
NJPN website.
Thanks to everyone for the various articles you have sent me, and for sharing this e-bulletin with like-minded friends.
The next edition will be out around the 22nd May, so have a good and safe fortnight.
God bless,
Sharon (Editor)
E-Bulletin Contents: –
News and Comment
1. Nationality and Borders Bill/Refugees (includes an Event)
2. Climate/Environment (including Actions)
3. Synod News
4. Educating girls a challenge in post-Covid Asia
5. NW NJPN E-Bulletin May 2022
6 Traidcraft Bulletin May 2022
7. Salesians of Don Bosco
8. London Mining Network April Updates
Events (***this week marked by ***)
9. ***9th May*** – Westminster J & P – Reflecting on Biodiversity
10. ***10th May*** – Peace Museum Exhibition Launch
11. ***11th May*** – Pact Just People Event
12. ***12th May*** – London Mining Network Book Club
13. 14th May – End Apartheid/Free Palestine
14. 14th May – 25th June – Groundswell Events
15. 15th May – International Conscientious Objectors Day
16. 15th – 27th May – Intensive Course in Peacemaking
17. 16th May – Jubilee Debt Campaign Relaunch
18. 21st May – Global Justice Now – Day of Action against Corporate Courts
19. 21st May – CND – Stop US nukes coming to RAF Lakenheath
20. 22nd – 29th May – Laudato Si’ Week
21. 25th May – Westminster Justice and Peace – Racial Justice: Where are we now?
22. 30th May – Youth Climate Action Network
23. 4th June – Finding Jesus in the Eucharist, the Poor and in Creation
24. 11th June – From the Ground Up: unearthing hope and seeking justice
25. 12th June – Tax Justice Sunday
26. 18th June – Pax Christi AGM
27. 18th June – Operation Noah Annual Supporters Event
28. 25th June – JPIC Spring Assembly
29. 8th – 10th July 2022 – Reinventing Radical (Student Christian Movement)
30. 22nd – 24th July – NJPN Annual Conference
31. 2nd – 4th September – We Move: Race Equality & Migrants Rights Summit
32. 17th September – JPIC Golden Jubilee Celebration
33. NJPN Open Networking Day
34. 7th – 8th October – Green Christian Conference
35. 12th November – NJPN open Networking Day
36. End the ongoing Nakba
37. Day of Action Against Corporate Courts
38. Vacancies – various
The Last Word
39. A Quote from Saint Basil
See below for: –
Note on Data Protection
About these E-Bulletins
Donate to NJPN
Let’s fight the #Anti-Refugee Laws Together
We were forwarded the following email from Paul Hook, Director of Asylum Matters, which says it all:
Last night (27th April) saw the horrendous and deeply damaging Nationality and Borders Bill complete its passage through parliament. It will now pass into law.
Today we take the first steps in our opposition to repeal these laws, with the launch of the Fight the #AntiRefugeeLaws Pledge.
Almost 250 organisations have already signed the pledge. These range from those of us working in the refugee and migrant sector, to many from outside of it, spanning organisations working in the housing and homelessness, women, LGBTQI+, anti-poverty, trade union and humanitarian sectors. You can read a full list of current signatories here and encourage other partners to sign up here.
Together, we stand united and ready to fight to repeal these #AntiRefugeeLaws.
Here’s how you can help today:
TAKE ACTION: share launch content
As part of the campaign, we’ve launched a new email your MP action to call on politicians to pledge their support. We will be promoting this action today alongside new digital content, including:
Suggested messaging and draft social media posts for you to use or adapt;
A short video you can download here to attach to social media posts, in which campaigners with lived experience of the asylum system outline the devastating impact the new laws will have;
Images and quote cards supporting the pledge, configured for use on facebook, instagram and twitter.
Please share the action and campaign content this morning through your social media channels (you can also RT Asylum Matters or Refugee Action launch tweets if useful).
Thanks for your solidarity and support.
1. Nationality and Borders Bill/ Refugees (includes an Event)
Dark Day for Human Rights and Humanity
Commenting on the passing of the Nationality and Borders Bill, the St. Vincent de Paul Society has called it a ‘dark day for human rights and humanity.’ Their full statement is available on their website, and finishes with their National Director, Helen O’Shea, saying: – “This is not the end. We will continue to fight for justice and the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum. They deserve to feel safe, valued and heard, not maligned, detained or shipped away to a country at the other side of the world.”
Priti Patel’s Outing to Rwanda
Ian Linden, through Independent Catholic News, has written an interesting article discussing ‘why Rwanda.’ The first part of the article tells you about Rwanda’s successes… and then you get to the bad stuff….You can read it here.
Prayers at Home Office for those who have died seeking sanctuary (includes an Event)
Jo Siedlecka, again through ICN, has written a thought-provoking article about the last monthly prayer vigil that campaigners held outside the Home Office in London.
It was organised by the London Catholic Worker and Westminster Justice and Peace, there were prayers, hymns and the recitation of a list of names or descriptions of individuals who died in a single month attempting to reach Europe.
Jo names some of the front line Projects that help the refugees that find themselves in London, and tells the story of a Somalian girl who was trafficked, and was eventually helped by one of these organisations when the system let her down. It is well worth a read.
The Prayer Vigil takes place outside the Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, SW1P 4DF, on the third Monday of each month from 12.30-1.30pm. For more information contact: barbarakentish@talktalk.net
We’ll Continue to Fight
Sophie Cartwright, Senior Policy Officer of the Jesuit Refugee Service says: – The passage of this anti-refugee Bill is tragic. It will punish men, women, and children seeking sanctuary on our shores for the sheer realities of forced migration. It treats hostility and cruelty as virtues. It not only disregards human dignity, human connection, and human life – it is an attack upon them.”
JRS’ full comment on the passing of the Bill is available through their website.
Care4Calais – We are going to Court to Stop Rwanda
Care4Calais, along with Detention Action and the PCS Union sent a legal letter to the Government challenging their reprehensible plan to send refugees to Rwanda.
More details from their website.
2. Climate/Environment (includes Actions and Events)
‘Record after Record’: Brazil’s Amazon Deforestation hits April high
This headline came up on The Guardian’s newsfeed on the 7th May, courtesy of Reuters. The report says: – Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon surged to record levels for the month of April, nearly doubling the area of forest removed in that month last year – the previous April record – preliminary government data has shown, alarming environmental campaigners.
In the first 29 days of April, deforestation in the region totalled 1,012.5 square km (390 square miles), according to data from national space research agency Inpe on Friday.
Sadly, deforestation has soared since President Bolsonaro took over in 2019. You can read the full article here.
Event – Join the global divestment announcement this July
Bokani Tshidzu, Bright Now Campaign Officer, writes: – Together with Laudato Si’ Movement, World Council of Churches, Green Anglicans and GreenFaith, Operation Noah is delighted to launch the next global divestment announcement for faith organisations, which will take place on Tuesday 5 July 2022: Click here for more information.
The ongoing climate, conflict and cost of living crises highlight the urgent need for energy that is clean, just and affordable. The fossil fuel industry has destabilised many regions and resulted in human rights violations as well as environmental damage.
Operation Noah invites local churches, dioceses and Christian organisations to consider joining the global divestment announcement in July. Please get in touch with Bokani Tshidzu on bokani.tshidzu@operationnoah.org before 28 June 2022 for more information or to register your interest.
PS: – They continue to host one-hour ‘Divest the Church of England’ listening meetings, the next one of which is on Wednesday 18 May from 5.30pm to 6.30pm on Zoom. Please do consider joining and share details with your networks!
Caring for the Environment, one bottle at a time
This is a nice story about Fr. Innocent Akum Wefon in Cameroon doing his bit for the environment, as well as helping to provide food, and educating the local people into how to look after the planet. Cameroon is one of the luckier countries in Africa as they have tree cover and food and Fr. Innocent is quoted as saying that the people ‘take a lot for granted.’ You can read his story through ACI Africa.
Laudato Si’ Animators UK: this is how we do it!
If you are interested in knowing more about the Laudato Si’ Animators and the Laudato Si’ Movement, everything is made clear here! There are also details on how to join in and links to various pages.
Action: UK Government: No new coal
According to Greenpeace, the Government are ‘on the cusp’ of approving a new coal mine for Cumbria. I thought this had all gone away last year, but apparently not.
If you want to join in and sign their petition to Michael Gove, please go to the Greenpeace website.
Rivers and Sewage
Wild Justice writes: – You’ve probably seen water pollution mentioned a lot in the news recently. Cases of sewage discharge and run-off from farming being released into rivers (like the River Wye), lakes (like Windermere) and into the sea (like in Kent) have hit the headlines repeatedly.
The problem is widespread and it’s a big one – but who actually is responsible for sorting it out? Why is nobody being held accountable? As far as we can see, nobody wants to own up to being responsible for monitoring and enforcement when it comes to the issue of water quality and sewage pollution. DEFRA, OFWAT and the Environment Agency all seem to think one of the other two should be dealing with the problem.
Go to the Wild Justice Blog to read the full article and what they are doing about it.
Fake Meat won’t save the Planet
I was marvelling recently at the various brands of food made from plants in my local supermarket. All of a sudden, big multi-nationals have realised that there is money to be made out of purporting to ‘save the planet,’ eat more healthily, go vegan etc.
Back in April, I saw this article produced by Jack Thompson for Wicked Leeks (part of Riverford Organic Farms), after a report by the Independent Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) was published.
Phil Howard, Lead Author of the report, is quoted as saying: – “In many cases, switching to fake meat will make the problems with our industrial food system worse; fossil fuel dependence, industrial monocultures, pollution, poor work conditions, unhealthy diets, and control by massive corporations.”
Wicked Leeks then goes onto say: – Many people are trying to cut their meat consumption as a way of reducing the impact of their diet, aware of things like deforestation driven by demand for animal feed and methane emissions from cows, as well as animal welfare concerns.
But consumers may be inadvertently funding the same agribusiness and meat processing companies that are driving deforestation, as companies like JBS and Cargill have developed plant-based brands and products as they look to make the most of the boom in this market.
If you are drawn towards these non-meat products, you may want to read this article.
Chernobyl Anniversary revives nuclear energy concerns
Ellen Teague, through ICN, remembers the Chernobyl Disaster, which took place on the 26th April 1986, when the power plant’s No. 4 reactor exploded and released more than 400 times more radiation into the atmosphere than the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.
This has all been brought to the fore again, with the occupation of the power plant by Russian forces, and the churning up of the radioactive soil surrounding the plant. Nuclear energy and war are a very dangerous combination.
In April, Boris Johnson announced that the UK would build up to 8 nuclear power plants by 2030, thus protecting us from huge increases in gas and oil prices, but made no reference as to how we could safely dispose of the waste – or indeed whether alternative energy sources, such as wind farms and solar farms could be equally as viable.
Read Ellen’s report here.
Action: Barclays #Drop Drax
Biofuelwatch are asking us to sign their petition to Barclays, asking them to drop Drax, which is the UK’s largest carbon-emitter, and the world’s biggest tree burner. More details through their website.
Churches call for windfall tax on fossil fuel giants
You all would have heard the massive profits announced by BP and Shell in the past week, whilst many people will be suffering financially this year due to rocketing fuel prices, and the increase in the cost of living. Church Action for Tax Justice are calling on the Government to introduce a windfall tax for these companies. (ICN 5th May)
Our Prime Minister has said that taxing these oil giants will deter them from investing billions in Britain’s renewable energy, but in fact they have no plans to withdraw their funding. Ed Miliband speaks to Saphora Smith in The Independent.
3. Synod News
Several diverse articles on the Synod have dropped into my inbox, including an African country that is conducting home visits to engage people with the Synodal process! See the various links below: –
Westminster LGBTQ+ Catholics Synod responses (through ICN).
Synodal talks meaningless without fundamental changes. Indian Theologian, Fr. Felix Wilfred, is interviewed by UCA News.
Spirituality of Synodality – Podcast interview with Fr. James Hanvey SJ. through Mill Hill Missionaries.
Catholic Diocese in Eswatini conducting home visits to boost participation in Synod – through ACI Africa
National Synthesis Team begins its work for Synod submission to Rome – through the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.
4. Educating girls a challenge in post-Covid Asia
Ben Joseph, for Union of Catholic Asian News, writes: – If girls’ education makes societies stronger, more peaceful and prosperous, then the chances of Asia achieving those goals have become more distant with the coronavirus pandemic.
Prior to the pandemic, girls’ enrollments in school had seen significant improvements in Asia. But with the pandemic, those gains have been wiped out.
UNESCO estimates that about 24 million learners, from pre-primary to university level, are at risk of not returning to school following the education disruption. Almost half of them are found in South and West Asia besides Africa.
Asia was doing well prior to the pandemic, having brought down the number of girls out of school from 30 million to 15 million in the last two decades.
The lack of education leads to underage marriages in several nations of this most populous continent, leading to poverty-stricken and unhealthy mothers, children, families and societies.
It makes for rather sobering reading. Find it here.
5. NW NJPN E-Bulletin
Anne O’Connor has put together a very interesting collection of articles including refugees to Rwanda and contrasting this with the support for the Ukrainian people entering this country. There is also a link to the Columban Summer Newsletter, Vocation for Justice. You can read it through the NJPN website.
6. Traidcraft Bulletin May 2022
Lots of little snippets, and advertising of their products. I particularly liked the piece about repurposing old Traidcraft boxes! Read it here.
7. Salesians of Don Bosco April 2022
Their organisation of the month is CAFOD. Click here.
8. London Mining Network April Updates
Not a newsletter as such, but all of their updates are available on their website.
EVENTS (in chronological order where applicable)
9. Monday 9th May – 12.45pm – 2pm – Southern Dioceses Environment Network
All Creatures Great and Small: Reflecting on Biodiversity
10. 10th May – 6pm – 8pm – Peace Museum
What is Peace? Exhibition Launch
11. Wednesday 11th May and Saturday 21st May – Pact
Prison Advice and Care Trust Just People events
12. Wednesday 11th May – 6pm – 8pm – London Mining Network
Resisting Mining Book Club: Redefining Genocide
13. 14th May 2022 – 12pm – 4pm
End Apartheid/Free Palestine
- 14th May – 25th June – Friends of the Earth
Groundswell Events – various dates around the country.15. 15th May – 1pm – Peace Pledge Union
International Conscientious Objector’s Day – National Ceremony16. 15th – 27th May – The Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice
Summer Intensive Course in Peacemaking and Justice
17. 16th May – 6.30pm – 8pm – Jubilee Debt Campaign/Debt Justice
Resistance and Solidarity; Fighting for Debt Justice (relaunch of organisation)
18. 21st May – Global Justice Now
Day of Action against Corporate Courts
19. 21st May – 1pm – 3pm – CND
Stop US Nukes coming to RAF Lakenheath
20. 22nd – 29th May – Laudato Si’ Week
Listening and Journeying Together
21. 25th May – 1pm – 3pm – Westminster Justice and Peace
Racial Justice: Where are we now?
22. 30th May – 10am – 4pm – Youth Climate Action Network
with Rebecca Thompson at Edible Landscapes London
23. 4th June – 10am to 3.30pm including 12.15pm Mass –
Lancaster Diocese Faith & Justice Commission and NJPN in North West
‘Finding Jesus in the Eucharist, the Poor and Creation’
St Wilfrid’s RC Parish Centre Chapel Street, Preston (5 minutes walk from Railway Station)
Keynote speaker- Fr Eamonn Mulcahy – Fr Eamonn will then pose three different questions for groups to think about and discuss, then preach at 12.15pm Mass. After lunch short presentations.
Book via – Eventbrite – Finding Jesus in the Eucharist
24. 11th June – various organisations incl. JPIT
From the Ground Up: unearthing hope and seeking justice
25. 12th June – Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility
Tax Justice Sunday
26. 18th June – Pax Christi AGM
27.18th June – Operation Noah
Annual Supporters Event– Save the Date
28. 25th June – JPIC Save the Date
Spring Assembly, Dover. Details to follow.
29. 8th – 10th July – Student Christian Movement
Reinventing Radical: Courageous Discipleship for a Changing World
30. 22nd – 24th July – NJPN Annual Conference
Hope! A verb with its sleeves rolled up.
Bookings now open. Don’t forget it is cheaper if you book before the 20th May!
31. 2nd – 4th September – The Runnymede Trust
We Move: Race Equality & Migrants Rights Summit
32. 17th September – JPIC Save the Date
Golden Jubilee Celebration in London- Details to Follow
33. 24th September – NJPN
Open Networking Day hosted by Hexham and Newcastle
34. 7th-8th October – Green Christian Conference
35. 12th November – NJPN
Open Networking Day – London/South East tbc
36. End the ongoing Nakba
Palestine Solidarity Campaign writes – After a two-decade legal battle, Israel’s high court has ruled that over 1,000 Palestinians can be forcibly displaced from an area of the West Bank and the land repurposed for Israeli military use.
Write to the Foreign Office to stop this ethnic cleansing.
37. Global Day of Action against Corporate Courts
Global Justice Now write: – In two weeks time, we’re holding a day of action against corporate courts. Join us in taking action at events up and down the country and online, on or around Saturday 21 May!
Corporate courts are threatening climate justice. Fossil fuel companies are using corporate courts written into trade deals to sue governments in secret tribunals for billions over climate policies. We need to take action to stop this.
Many of the fossil fuel companies are using the Energy Charter Treaty, which is a corporate court deal between 49 countries specifically for energy investments. Together with allies all across Europe, we’re calling on our governments to exit the Energy Charter Treaty. A crunch decision point is approaching in June, and we want to step up the pressure ahead of this with this day of action.
For more details about the various events, go to their website.
38. Vacancies
Volunteer Members sought for Westminster Justice and Peace Commission
They are looking for between 8 and 11 people. More details available through ICN.
Liverpool Archdiocese
Liverpool Archdiocese have three vacancies: – Training Co-Ordinator; Catholic Social Action Co-Ordinator and a Pastoral Development Adviser.
Details of all jobs and how to apply are available on their website.
39. A Quote from Saint Basil
When someone steals another’s clothes, we call them a thief. Should we not give the same name to one who could clothe the naked and does not?
The bread you hold back belongs to the hungry;
the coat you guard in your locked storage-chests belongs to the naked;
the footwear rotting in your cupboard belongs to those without shoes;
the silver that you kept hidden in a safe place belongs to the one in need.
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About these E-BULLETINS
The items above are emails received from around the Network which may be of interest to those involved in working for justice and peace.
The views expressed are not necessarily those of NJPN.
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