NW NJPN E-Bulletin June 2021
The NW NJPN E-Bulletin for June leads with a moving poem highlighting the current escalation of violence in the Holy Land with a link to last week’s main NJPN bulletin devoted exclusively to articles and action ideas about the conflict. Eye-witness accounts of the devastating impact of Covid-19 on the Indian population, especially in the poorer areas, is given by six religious Sisters. There is also coverage of the Pastoral Letter for Pentecost issued by the Bishops of England and Wales with a focus on the pressing issue of climate change, encouraging news from Operation Noah that the Methodist, Unitarian and Free Churches have all voted to disinvest from fossil fuels. and a report of this month’s NJPN AGM by Zoom with a talk on homeschooling during Covid and two follow-up opinion pieces. Other reports look at ways parishes can be more welcoming to deaf people, lobbying for inclusive language in the Lectionary by the Scottish Laity Network and how a popular television programme is helping highlight the story of Sophie Lancaster, a hate crime victim. All this plus resources and diary dates. Please read and pass on.
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin June 2021
Diocese of Hallam announces divestment from fossil fuels.
Bishop Ralph Heskett announced that: “The Diocese of Hallam divested of the most damaging fossil fuel companies many years ago. In recent months, we have decided to divest of the remainder of our investments with fossil fuel companies and instructed brokers to actively seek opportunities for investing in companies involved in renewable forms of energy.
The Diocese continues to review our actions and investments to care for our common home”
Divestment announcement
NJPN E-Bulletin 18 May 2021
Dear Friends,
Apologies, but the usual e-bulletin was not produced at the weekend. Instead, we are looking at the dreadful situation in Israel, and asking you to get involved and add your voice and prayers to the atrocities that are happening now and reflect on what has happened in the past.
NJPN E-Bulletin 18 May
May update from Seeking Sanctuary opens with a message from Pope Francis
‘This is the time to dream together, this as a single human family, as fellow travellers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all” (Fratelli Tutti, 8).
May update from Seeking Sanctuary
NJPN Column in the Catholic Universe: Matt Jeziorski – Pilgrimage of Peace
On 15th May, International Conscientious Objectors Day, I will be cycling the 50 miles from my home in Warrington to the Allens’ grave in All Souls Cemetery, Barrowford, paying prayerful tribute to their courageous witness and that of other Lancastrian peacemakers whose stories I encounter along the way.
Matt Jeziorski – Pilgimage for Peace
Circles of Silence – Nakba Memorial – 15 May 2021
With other Pax Christi International Sections, Pax Christi England and Wales is calling for Circles of Silence on or near Saturday 15th May.
2021 NAKBA Circles of Silence
Statement from Catholic Bishops in England and Wales on violence in the Holy Land
Bishop Declan Lang, Chair of the Bishops’ International Affairs department, has echoed calls for an end to “the occupation, discrimination and human rights violations that propagate violent attacks on civilians, standing in the way of a stable and peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis.”
We pray as people of peace for an end to the violence engulfing the Holy Land
NJPN expresses deep shock at escalating violence in Israel/Palestine
Those present at the AGM of the National Justice and Peace Network, meeting on Saturday, were deeply shocked to hear of the attack by Israeli Police on Palestinians at prayer in the Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday evening. Palestinian worshippers have been denied access to the Al Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan and this, along with the police and military incursions into this holy place, the use of stun grenades, rubber coated steel bullets and water cannons on those at worship, all contravene international law.
2021 May NJPN Open Letter to Card Nichols on Jerusalem attacks
Report from NJPN Open Networking Meeting and AGM May 2021
NJPN was described as a “vigorous, living and breathing” network at its AGM and Open Networking Meeting on Saturday by its Chair Paul Southgate
Read the meeting report here:
NW NJPN E-Bulletin to cover Mid-May into June 2021
An extra edition of the NW NJPN E-Bulletin to cover Mid-May into June – too many current articles to hold over till next time! Features include reflections for the 100th anniversary of the partition of Ireland; Richard Ratcliffe’s powerful account of his wife Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s plight as his battle to secure her release drags on; birthday wishes and support for 84 year-old Indian Jesuit, Fr Stan Swamy, imprisoned on charges of terrorism; the Covid emergency in India where faiths are working together to help those in crisis; a moving opinion piece by a woman who has felt marginalised by the Church because of being childless; an interview with Sr. Nathalie Becquart, one of the two new undersecretaries for the Vatican’s office of the Synod of Bishops which gives hope that the laity (and women) will have a voice in the upcoming synod; an account of President Biden’s first 100 days in office which give cause for hope; conflicting statements on the issue of same sex unions resulting in young people walking away from the Church; obituaries of Fr John Kearns CP and Michael Bourdeaux, founder of Keston College; plus resources and diary dates.
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin Mid May 2021