All posts by Stephen Cooke

NJPN Column in the Catholic Universe: Paul Southgate – Hell is a Dustbowl

This month I begin work in the allotment in earnest. I remember that there is no such thing as permanently perfect soil. All things change. You can only aim at having a vigorous, living, breathing soil. It’s like justice and peace: “Goodness, together with love, justice and solidarity are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realised each day” (Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti 11).

Paul Southgate – Hell is a Dustbowl

NJPN E-Bulletin 25th April 2021

Dear Friends,
This weekend the Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday, where we are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Whether we have a particular leaning in that direction or not, we all have a vocation for something. The dictionary sums up vocation as ‘a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.’ I believe that all of us here are called to follow Jesus, and as CAFOD, in their weekly reflections say ‘Following him demands that we take care of the weak, vulnerable and marginalised in our world so that they are accepted and valued for themselves. Like Jesus, our love and acceptance are to be given freely and non-judgmentally. Our ear is always to be tuned to the voice of the Good Shepherd who leads us to new places and people and invites us to welcome all with open arms as he did.’

We cannot let this edition pass by without reference to the trial of Derek Chauvin, and comments surrounding the Guilty verdict. Our hope is that after the scenes from last year, and the outpouring of emotion from all around the World, that good will come out of it all, and that lessons will have been learned. I know many of us are now much more aware of racist issues in all walks of life.

In two weeks time, on Saturday 8th May, we have our AGM and Networking Day. The flyer for the day is at the top of this e-bulletin. You can register here. It would be great to see as many of you as possible for this meeting, which takes place via Zoom.
This also means that I won’t be producing the e-bulletin until the following week, the 16th May.

As mentioned previously, if you would like to share this e-bulletin with people that you think would appreciate it, please do so. Even better, if they like it, please encourage them to sign up to receive it regularly.

 If you have something you particularly want shared, please send it to:-  This email address is usually only monitored when the e-bulletin is being prepared, so please do not expect an immediate answer when sending anything.
God bless,
Sharon (Editor)

NJPN E-Bulletin 25 April


NJPN Comment in the Catholic Universe – Rob Esdaile – St George, Dragon Slayer

It is striking that, over 1700 centuries after the martyrdom of St. George, whose feast coincides with the publication of this week’s issue of The Universe, this slightly obscure Palestinian Roman soldier saint (who might well be denied a visa by the Home Office if he tried to visit the UK) is still venerated as England’s patron saint. His cult was seemingly popularised by returning Crusaders. Their militaristic cross became his emblem. The medieval legend of him killing a dragon and rescuing of a damsel in distress further added to his allure.


St. George then became a symbol of nationhood, most famously on the lips of Shakespeare’s Henry V: “Cry God for Harry, England and St. George.” But note the pecking order: King first, Country second, Saint third. It’s hard to stop religious symbols from being co-opted by those in power – even in our secularised culture. Around the world, politicians like to ‘wrap themselves in the flag’. And those rallying to their standard are unlikely to register its ambiguities. What we see as a symbol of the Gospel, that blood red cross, is for many Muslims a reminder of past Christian cruelties. The burden of history lies heavily on all of us – even across our best intentions.


Now we witness the danger of the Union Jack becoming unstitched, torn by the centrifugal forces unleashed by Brexit. Will St. George’s flag one day be left to fly alone? What does his cross say about the English nation – assuming England actually is a nation? (One interpretation of those angry Brexit debates says that the Remain campaign ultimately failed because it stressed a shared British identity, while those it needed to convince thought of themselves, first and foremost, as English.)


Whatever our personal take on British history, whatever our national or regional identities, we need to discover shared values and work together to build a common future, a unity that can embrace diversity. That’s less about where we place political borders than about what dragons we choose to slay: perhaps the dragon that dreams lazily of past imperial power, or the dragon of accepting chronic poverty alongside enormous wealth, or the dragon of environmental destruction that threatens the future of us all. Which ‘damsels’ – the defenceless and vulnerable of our age – need rescuing? We’ll need all the courage St. George showed both in his obscure history and in later legend.


Fr Rob Esdaile is parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes, Thames Ditton


National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN) Conference 23-25 July at


May 2021 NW NJPN ebulletin

In a packed issue, the May NW NJPN E-Bulletin covers a wide range of subjects: 8 years after Rana Plaza factory collapse which killed 1,138 people and injured many more on 24 April 2013, we look at concerns over poor safety standards, forced child and adult labour, fair trade and the environmental impact of the fashion industry as we celebrate Fashion Revolution Week 19-25 April; a new survey invites children to share their hopes for a post-pandemic world;  there are resources for Refugee Week 14-20 June; articles on COP26 and ambitious plans to reach net zero carbon emissions in the North West by 2040; a report of the verdict just announced in the George Floyd murder trial; a review of a Channel 4 documentary examining the UK police policy of Stop and Search which targets a disproportionate number of young black men; serious concerns about the UK government’s lack of support for the Palestinian people as raised by the Balfour Project and echoed by many NGOs; and a fruitful dialogue and apology following an article in the April E-Bulletin relating to the suspension of a teacher in Batley that some regarded as Islamophobic.

Please pass on to others.


NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin May 2021 [1]

NJPN E-Bulletin 11th April 2021

Dear Friends,
I hope Easter was kind to you, and that many of you were able to enjoy the rather shortened versions of the Easter Services.

Leading the main news this weekend is, of course, the death of Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth for 73 years, and Prince Consort since 1952. Whether you are a Royalist or not, you cannot fail to recognise the work that Prince Philip has done for this country; in particular the setting up of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, which has helped many disaffected youth over the past 54 years; plus his early warnings on the impact we were having on the environment, long before it became fashionable. I have included a couple of articles summing up his life and legacies. We thank him for his service and pray that he may rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with Queen Elizabeth and their family at this time.

There are lots of other articles covering our justice and peace values, and many events going on, mainly remotely, at this present time. Our own AGM and Networking Day is taking place on Saturday 8th May, details of which is in the Events Section of this e-bulletin.

To finish off, I wanted to share the words that I read on CAFOD’s Weekly Reflections this week:-
‘For ourselves, we now have the facts about climate change, global inequalities and discrimination brought clearly before us over the last year, so we cannot continue as we did before.
On this Divine Mercy Sunday, can we grasp the opportunity to do things differently and live in a new way? Can we take Christ’s peace into the world and foster fullness of life, for all our sisters and brothers in need?’

Please feel free to share this e-bulletin with friends and family, and encourage them to subscribe to future issues.

The next bulletin will be out in two weeks time, the 25th April. If you have something you particularly want shared, please send it to:- This email address is usually only monitored when the e-bulletin is being prepared, so please do not expect an immediate answer when sending anything.
God bless,
Sharon (Editor)


NJPN E-Bulletin 11th April 2021

NJPN Column in the Catholic Universe: Paul Southgate – Energised or Paralysed?

Pope Francis proposed a striking image of Church: “I see the church as a field hospital after battle.” What the Church needs most today, he says, is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity.


This is the very quality Covid has denied us. We have been isolated, socially distanced, locked down, furloughed, un-hugged and un-plugged.


Paul Southgate – Energised or Paralysed 

CARJ: Response to Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

‘The report is rich with data, but its interpretations and reflections go beyond the data and are questionable. However, many of its recommendations should be given thoughtful consideration. The report has met with a chorus of criticism from reputable sources.

We share many of these criticisms, and we are especially concerned about the Report’s sceptical discussion of institutional racism’

Read the briefing statement here: CARJ Briefing April 21

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin April 2021

The April NW NJPN E-Bulletin looks at responses to the UK Government’s recent report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities which has been widely criticised by various groups. Readers may wish to compare the report’s finding with the personal experiences documented in the winning essays from the Columban’s competition for schools (featured in the Easter edition of this bulletin). In the light of the recent controversy over a religious studies lesson in Batley, the thorny issue of freedom of speech is tackled by Irish comedian, playwright, journalist, and political satirist Andrew Doyle. Plans for changes to the UK immigration system are challenged by the Boaz Trust alongside a positive report from Manchester-based Migrant Support celebrating their valuable work. Other articles look at climate change, green mining, life on the breadline, local grassroot groups working together to bring about change for the good of all, and the impact of Pope Francis’ recent visit to Iraq. Resources include an inspirational book by Stuart Lawrence ahead of his brother Stephen Lawrence’s annual Memorial Day on 22 April and a short film from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation charting the lives of three working-class women from Doncaster, plus Easter reflections and poems.

Do please pass on to others and sign up for the fortnightly NJPN E-Bulletin which contains a wealth of information and campaign action ideas at:

Anne O’Connor


NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin April 2021 (1)

Easter eBulletin

Greetings for this Easter season. We have lots of information to share, and I apologise for the length of this edition, but it is very difficult to pare things down when everything has an importance.

As has been mentioned before, we are now taking bookings for our Annual Conference, in Swanwick, in July. More details and a booking form are available through our website here.  We are quietly confident that it will go ahead this year, and we would love to see as many of you there as possible.

Just a reminder that we would appreciate it if you forwarded this e-bulletin on to people you know who share a passion for justice and peace issues. In particular, if you have any young people, either at University or Senior School, who might be involved with a Justice and Peace Group or similar, or with their Catholic Society, please forward to them and ask them to distribute it amongst their networks. It would be great to engage even more people with the work of all the organisations that share our ideals, thus making the world a better place to live in.

The next bulletin will be out in two weeks’ time, the 11th April. If you have something you particularly want shared, please send it to:- This email address is usually only monitored when the e-bulletin is being prepared, so please do not expect an immediate answer when sending anything.


NJPN E-Bulletin 1 April

NJPN Comment in the Catholic Universe: Patricia and Michael Pulham – A Better Way to Peace

Palm Sunday shows how quickly moods can change. In less than a week ‘Hosannah’ changed to ‘Crucify Him!’. Will the bishops’ statements against the new defence policy – where Britain is increasing its nuclear weapons stockpile – cause our government to change its mind?


It’s commonly thought that the only way to deal with violence is to use violence or to threaten its use, but real peace is deferred and enmity remains. Violence breeds violence.

The dark day of the new defence policy contrasts with the light that comes with Easter. Not only do the clocks move forward, but the light of Christ shines on us all, imperfect as we may be. He said, “‘Follow Me” and exemplified God’s love for every single person. By doing God’s will, we can abandon self-importance and begin a culture of care and compassion. This is the path to peace that the world sorely needs.


People prefer working in life-affirming activities, rather than being trapped in non-ethical work. Young people can be inspired by Church thinking to work for nonviolent solutions to world problems. Christ said, “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Telling us to love our enemies meant we should have none. We can look for the good points in others and use them to begin fruitful dialogue without any judgment.


Friendship, partnership and dialogue are always preferable to aggression. At this time of year, the Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CCND) usually visits embassies prior to the associated United Nation meetings. Our focus is now on the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), and encouraging more countries, including our own, to conform to this new international law.


We have a list of the Church denominational leaders who are committed to nuclear disarmament, as well as Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell. There is also a list of all the councils and other bodies which endorse the TPNW.


Our organisation is ecumenically composed, with no leader but Christ. The two co-chairs are time limited and exist to alternately run meetings and sign paperwork. We are not only interdenominational but make connections with other faiths and anyone interested in our campaigning. Our website has many ‘hits’, as does our large social media network. See:


Michael and Patricia Pulham are on the CCND Executive.

NJPN Conference 23-25 July at