All posts by Stephen Cooke

NJPN E-Bulletin 21st February 2021


A message from our editor.

We would love it if you forwarded this e-bulletin on to people you know who share a passion for justice and peace issues. Even better, please encourage people to sign up to the e-bulletin via NJPN website. It would be great to engage even more people in our desire to see the world a better place to live in.

The next bulletin, God willing, will be out in two weeks’ time, and don’t forget, if you have something you particularly want shared, send it to:-

NJPN E-Bulletin 21 February

NJPN Comment in the Catholic Universe – Niall Cooper

Our vision is that the UK can and must be transformed into a country where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. In the midst of a global pandemic, we might feel further from this goal than ever, but our Christian faith drives us to believe that another world is possible.


Niall Cooper – Transformation a task for us all

Bishop John Arnold spearheads Catholic efforts to go carbon neutral

Launch of ‘Guardians of Creation’ ecological project

The Diocese of Salford has launched a new research project that Bishop John Arnold hopes will spearhead the efforts of the Catholic community in England and Wales to tackle the current ecological crisis by paving the way to a sustainable, carbon neutral future.

The research team will collaborate with other dioceses, parish communities, industry experts, theologians and other groups to develop carbon accounting and environmental management tools that will lead to an implementation framework for use in other dioceses…..


For the full story please visit the CBCEW website at

Million Minutes stands in solidarity with silenced young people in its tenth year.

For Catholic national youth charity Million Minutes, Lent 2021 marks its 10th year as a charity and ten years creating a deafening silence for overlooked young people through its sponsored silence initiative – siLENT.

Full article below

Million Minutes stands in solidarity with silenced young people in its tenth year

Inter Faith Relations in the UK Today

The next NJPN Open Networking Day will take place on Saturday 27 February from 11am – 3pm via zoom

The main speakers for the day will be:

Dr. Harriet Crabtree OBE Executive Director for the Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom

Jon Dal Din Deacon of the Southwark Diocese and the inter-faith representative of the Focolare Zone of Western Europe.

Everyone is welcome to join us.

Click here for programme details and booking

NJPN Meetings

NJPN E-Bulletin 31 January 2021

A message from our Editor

Racial Justice is our lead issue this weekend, but there is also a big mixture of Actions to take part in, plus many events, including the opening of bookings for our own Annual Conference, with the theme: ‘Action for Life on Earth 2021’

We forge ahead towards our Conference with a sense of positivity that this year it will happen and we will meet again.

The next bulletin will be out in two weeks’ time and, don’t forget, if you have something you particularly want shared please send it to:


Please download the latest E-Bulletin and share as widely as you can. Thank you

NJPN E-Bulletin 31 January 2021


Lenten Prayer Resources from NJPN: 2021


A message from Anne O’Connor

For the past few years, I’ve produced a Lent reflection leaflet continuing a format started by Bryan Halson during our time together on the former Shrewsbury Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission. This year Lent takes on a new meaning for me following the death from natural causes of my beloved elder daughter Annie in June 2020. For Advent 2020 I put together a series of weekly reflections based on her writings as a scripture scholar, teacher, and evangelist. For Lent this year I am sharing some more of her material as we journey through Lent towards Easter.

The resource is available here – A LENTEN JOURNEY 2021 NEW BEGINNINGS