NW NJPN J&P E BULLETIN for July 2024
The July 2024 issue of the NW NJPN E Bulletin focuses on the General Election and the new Labour Government. Professor Ian Linden examines the concept of “Growth” and regular contributor Jon Kuhrt gives details of his forthcoming lecture in honour of the late Frank Field in collaboration with Together for the Common Good. There’s news of upcoming events from the Campaign Against (the) Arms Trade and, in preparation for Sea Sunday on 14 July, a Stella Maris chaplain lifts lid on life as a seafarer with reference to Modern slavery, COVID-19 and missing loved ones, complete with a short podcast. All Kinds of Catholic, a new weekly podcast features an interview with Westminster J&P Worker Colette Joyce who shares her faith journey. Author and screenwriter Frank Cottrell-Boyce has been appointed as the new Children’s Laureate, pledging to dedicate his two-year tenure to starting a national conversation about the role books and reading play in transforming children’s lives. If you enjoy cycling do consider joining this year’s Big Ride for Palestine – details for events in Merseyside, Wirral, Cheshire and North Wales are on page 12 and Pat Devlin’s account of her online presentation on 27 June to the National Justice and Peace Network on the current situation in Gaza and ways to support peacemaking in Palestine and Israel is on pages 12-14. Don’t forget this year’s J&P Conference on the theme “Just Politics” – details on page 14 and reports to follow in the next bulletin.
Please read and pass on to others.
Best wishes
Anne O’Connor
Click here to download and read
The votes have been cast, the people have spoken, indicating a desire for change. There will be difficult and challenging times ahead for our newly elected government and for all who wish to see a kinder, more gentle and respectful form of interaction throughout society. We need to listen and respond using more measured language, with compassion rather than hostility. As well as offering congratulations and good wishes to those who will represent us, we will seek to challenge any lack of truth and integrity in the public space. The NJPN conference with the title ‘Just Politics’ comes at an opportune moment for people of faith, to consider our responsibility in building a common home where we can all feel safe and valued, and none are excluded. The weekend will be a process, involving listening, discussion and discerning, sharing outcomes, commitment to action, with all aspects brought together in liturgical celebration – The Pastoral Cycle.
The Right Reverend Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani Bishop of Chelmsford will open the conference and explore some of the dynamics of public discourse, the implications for individuals and society, some possible solutions and opportunities for Christians and the Church to play a positive role
On Saturday morning Molly Scott Cato Professor Emerita of Green Economics and former member of the European Parliament will consider how the failure to make good judgements is undermining our democracies.
There will be two workshop sessions covering a range of issues, local, national and global, related to the conference theme.
Steve Whiting former manager of the Quaker programme ‘Turning the Tide’ will take the process forward, challenging delegates so that they come to the Sunday sessions ready for action.
The Conference will be chaired by Sir John Battle, NJPN Patron
There is to be a discussion between the young adults present around their hopes and dreams for the future of the world which will be theirs.
The Sunday morning interactive session will bring together all that has been experienced during the weekend, all the hopes and fears, with a commitment to working to achieve a more resilient, hopeful relational and inclusive society in which all may flourish.
Conference 2024 – Speaker Profile – The Right Reverend Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani
The Right Reverend Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani at NJPN Conference.
In an increasingly febrile social and political environment, Bishop Guli will explore some of the dynamics of public discourse, the implications for individuals and society, some possible solutions and opportunities for Christians and the Church to play a positive role.
Bishop Guli is Bishop of Chelmsford and a Member of House of Lords. She previously served as the first Bishop of Loughborough, in the Diocese of Leicester, from 2017 to 2021. Guli arrived in this country as a refugee from Iran, aged 14. She was educated at Nottingham and Bristol Universities, training for ministry at The South East Institute for Theological Education. Ordained priest in 1999, Guli served her title in the Diocese of Southwark and has also worked in London and Peterborough Dioceses. She has a doctorate in theology and cross cultural mission, is Chair of the Board of Church Army and a contributor on Radio 4s Thought for the Day.

Hope for Palestine & Israel ?

NJPN is hosting an online discussion on Thursday 27 June 2024 from 7.30 – 9.00 pm. The meeting will consider what is the role of people of faith in the ongoing conflict in Israel/Palestine.
The evening will be facilitated by Pat Devlin who has a background in community development and a long-term involvement with the Justice and Peace movement in both Scotland and England She has served 2 terms as an Ecumenical Accompanier in the West Bank This is a World Council of Churches programme providing a protective presence and monitoring human rights abuses with a commitment to advocacy on return to the home country.
For further details and zoom link:
Sharon Chambers:
Meeting Flier (1)

The NW NJPN E BULLETIN for June 2024
The NW NJPN E BULLETIN for June 2024 leads with reports of the escalation of violence in Rafah in southern Gaza. Pages 2-4 give details of the Balfour Project Conference next Thursday, 6 June. On pages 4-5 there’s a report of last Wednesday’s illustrated talk by Nick Bilbrough, founder of the educational charity Hands Up Project. Nick shared the stories behind two short plays put together by young people in Palestine and gave updates on the current situation. The talk accompanied a touring exhibition Moon Tell Me Truth, with art and poems from the children of Gaza, three of which are featured in this month’s bulletin.
The bulletin includes a list of organisations that have put together resources, with useful links, to help us prepare for the General Election (see page 7). Page 8 gives details of NJPN’s Conference (19-21 July) on the theme ‘Just Politics’ and page 9 has an excellent reflection by Jenny Sinclair of Together for the Common Good to guide our deliberations when we vote. She writes: “The framework of Catholic Social Teaching can help: sometimes referred to as the theology of the Holy Spirit in practice, it infuses our deliberations with both the transcendent and the rootedness of real life.”
Forthcoming events include the Great Big Green Week, a celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature; Refugee Week and the Big Ride for Palestine; with a packed diary of events across the North West region, including Pax Christi’s AGM this coming Saturday in Liverpool or online (see the diary page for details).
Please read and pass on to others.
Best wishes
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin June 2024
NJPN Newsletter Summer 2024
The Summer 2024 NJPN newsletter features a number of interesting articles as we look forward to this years annual conference in July
Click here to download and read.
The latest edition contains information about various AGMs and Conferences happening during June and July.
Several of them offer the chance to join online for instance the Pax Christi AGM this Saturday June 1st in Liverpool.
There are also several environmental things taking place plus issues to think about as we prepare for the Election on July 4th.
Mouthpeace Summer 2024
Called to be Peacemakers: Catholic approach to arms control and disarmament.
A new document on disarmament and the ethical use of weapons has been released by the International Affairs department of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
The document states: “This is a challenging time for the global community and we are called to promote peace and unity among nations – both seeking an end to war and at the same time addressing some of the greatest humanitarian challenges of our time such as the impact of climate change. No country acting on its own can solve these problems.”
The NW NJPN E BULLETIN for MAY 2024 leads with the current conflict in the Holy Land as the situation appears to be worsening with no immediate end in sight. A joint statement was issued yesterday by a wide range of organisations urging a ceasefire. Heather Kiernan has sent details of Beautiful Resistance, an illustrated talk by Nick Bilbrough, the founder of the educational charity Hands Up Project, who will share the stories behind two short plays from Gaza. This is a hybrid event – in person in Edinburgh but also on Zoom so people in our region can sign up and participate. Nick’s talk accompanies a touring exhibition of art and poetry by the children of Gaza, co-curated by Heather and Iliyana Nedkova – a diary entry from one young girl on pages 3-4 provides an eye-witness account of the harsh reality of daily life there. Also highly recommended is a new film from The Balfour Project, Gaza: A Story of Love and War, by Jewish broadcaster Mike Joseph from Wales and Palestinian journalist Sami Abu Salim who share their personal histories and ask: Is co-existence possible in Gaza?
We are fast approaching the 76th anniversary of the Nakba on May 15. Pax Christi invite you to light a candle and offer a prayer for peace and reconciliation. We reprint a speech given in solidarity with the Palestinian people from Jewish writer and blogger Robert Cohen at a rally organised by Lancaster Friends of Palestine in 2021.
The Catholic Network reports on a new opinion poll from CAFOD which reveals that only 5% of those questioned were aware that Sudan is currently experiencing the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.
The General Election isn’t far away. The latest issue of Vocations for Justice from the Columbans contains information to help us prepare well, with a link for ordering extra copies for your parish, and there are also links to briefing papers put together by CAFOD on a range of topics to raise with candidates.
Please consider supporting a crowd-funding appeal to publish Stef Benstead’s new book for Church Action on Poverty Just Worship – details on page 10. Jon Kuhrt, CEO of Hope into Action, has worked with people affected by homelessness for 30 years. In his Grace and Truth blog Jon looks back on the life and political career of Frank Field who died recently.
There many interesting and varied events happening across the North West over the next couple of months – details in the text and on the diary page.
Also attached is an account of a candlelit service for the Holy Land held recently in my parish which was attended by about 60 people. If anyone would like a copy of the service booklet with the readings and prayers in full please email me.
Best wishes
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin May 2024
report [AOC 1]
The Passion for Change Sculptures
The Passion for Change is an exhibition of sculptures and poems that connects the Passion of Christ with the suffering of all living beings in our world. The aim of the exhibition is to invite people to reflect on these connections and how they can help us to work for a just and compassionate world for all, especially the poor and powerless. It thus answers the call in Laudato Si’ that ‘the cry of the earth is the cry of the poor’.
The exhibition, which is supported by the Passionist Community, comprises a number of ‘Stations’. Each one is made up of a sculpture, a poem, and quotes from Scripture and from Laudato Si’.
This is the sculpture for ‘Burdened’…….