A packed NW NJPN E BULLETIN for February with articles and resources for Lent inside the bulletin and also attached below. Please feel free to make use of these and pass on to others.
Thanks to Bernadette Bailey in Macclesfield for an excellent Live Simply Lent Calendar (attached in online and print format)
Wishing you all the blessings of the season.
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin February 2024
Stations of the Cross
Livesimply Lent Calendar_2024_on line version
Livesimply Lent Calendar_2024_print version
Pope Francis endorses Earth4All
Chris Myers, Environment lead in the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Justice and Peace Co-ordinating Council and member of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Environmental Group has put together this briefing based on the Earth for All project, which is endorsed by Pope Francis.
Click here to read – Pope Francis endorses Earth4All Project
NJPN Online Open Networking Meeting – “Live or Let Die” – Saturday 24th February 2024
Our next meeting:

Our next meeting will take place online, on Zoom, from 10:00 am – 2:45 pm, Saturday 24th February 2024,
The meeting title is “Live or Let Die – A Call to Care for the earth (from Pope Francis’ Laudate Deum)”
For more details, and to receive the link for the Zoom meeting, please contact NJPN’s Administrator Sharon Chambers on admin@justice-and-peace.org.uk
Click below to download the meeting poster;
Meeting Flier
NJPN E-Bulletin 21st January 2024

(Image courtesy of Missionary Society of St. Columban, Australia)
“Let there be nothing among you that can divide you.”
(St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Dear Friends,
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs between the 18th and the 25th January, and looking at our broken world now, more than ever and despite our divisions, we need to stand together. For peace, for the planet, and if we want to achieve justice.
Talking of coming together, our Action of the Week is for the Group that you belong to sign an urgent letter to party leaders asking them to take action to address the climate and nature crisis. Please take part through the link below.
Apologies, but there was a bit of a hiccup in the design of the Booking Form for Conference, so the Newsletters, with the forms, were posted out later than expected. If you haven’t received yours already, it will drop through your door sometime this week. If you are planning on attending our Conference, you can now book through our website, using either the downloadable Word document, or the Microsoft Form. Payments will still need to be made manually, though, through either a Bank Transfer, or by Cheque. We are really looking forward to seeing many of you again.
This weekend we have a shorter E-bulletin than normal due to the fact that I have been under the weather for a few days. I would be interested to hear whether people would be interested in receiving one of this size in future with maybe just a couple of main topics in News and Comment. My son always tells me this is far too long!
All being well, I will be preparing the next E-bulletin around the 3rd/4th February, so news of any events, or articles, will need to be with me by Friday 2nd February.
Wishing you well for the next two weeks,
NJPN E-Bulletin 21st January 2024
NJPN Spring 2024 Newsletter
The NJPN 2024 Spring Newsletter is now available to read, and share,
This edition features a range of topics,
The Newsletter is available to download below,
Spring 2024 Newsletter
2024 Conference – Just Politics
Thank you for your interest in Conference 2024 ‘Just Politics’.
Once you have read the Conference Details and Terms and Conditions, and are happy to go ahead and book please do one of the of following: –
- Save the Word version of the Booking Form to your computer, fill it in, and then email it to admin@justice-and-peace.org.uk, letting us know whether you will be paying by Bank Transfer or Cheque (details on the T’s & C’s document).
- Have a go at filling in the Microsoft Form (those of you who attended last year might have booked your Workshop this way). Please note, we are trialing these forms this year, so if you have any feedback do let us know.
If you are not attending for the whole of the Conference, and your choice of booking option is not showing on the forms, please contact us by email and we will sort out a price.
Also, if you are able to Gift Aid please contact us directly and we will ask you to fill in a form. If you have attended previous Conferences and your Gift Aid circumstances have changed, please also email
Lent Reflection Resources 2024
Below are a series of Lenten resources for Lent 2024 kindly produced by Anne O’Connor, feel free to share with others
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin January 2024
The January edition of the North West NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin for 2024 is attached and also a series of Lent Reflections which I’ve put together for individual or group use which also will be up on the NJPN website soon. Lent seems to be fast approaching this year! This month’s bulletin is slightly shorter than usual due to time taken sourcing and compiling the Lent resources as well as putting together a service for the start of Lent and one for Good Friday evening (the third year now of quiet reflections around the cross in our parish church) plus lovely family time over the Christmas season.
Please feel free to pass these resources on.
Wishing you all a belated Happy New Year and praying for peace in our troubled world.
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin January 2024
NJPN E-Bulletin 7th January 2024

(Image courtesy of embeddedfaith.org)
“Let us leave behind our divisions and unite our forces … and with God’s help, let us emerge from the dark night of environmental devastation in order to turn our common future into the dawn of a new and radiant day.”
(Pope Francis – COP28)
Dear Friends,
A Happy New Year to you all! I hope your Christmas was a happy one, and that 2024 will be a healthy one! In our area there seems to have been a lot of people with this ‘100 day cough’, and I must admit that listening to Carols being sung, interspersed with bouts of coughing at our late Mass on Christmas Eve, made me yearn for the bad old days when masks were compulsory!
As you can imagine, we have a packed edition this weekend after a few weeks without. I have tried to keep everything current and relevant. Our Action of the Week is around Peace Sunday, which is next weekend. There are also plenty of articles on the climate.
Exciting news! Our next newsletter will be winging its way to you by post in the couple of weeks if you are a member/subscriber. In with it will be our Conference Booking Form (hasn’t that come around quickly!). In the next few days the Booking Form will also appear on our website, and due to complaints about how hard our previous form was to fill in online, we have changed the format. There will be two options to choose from – the first is a Word Document that you need to download to your PC/Laptop, fill it in, and then email it back to us; the second is that we are trialling a Microsoft Form, which we hope will make life easier. All we ask is that you don’t do both! Just fill in one or the other. Please also be aware that there are a limited number of spaces this year at present. When this Conference was booked a couple of years ago, we were given 130 spaces – and The Hayes have informed us that they are fully booked now that weekend. Once we have filled those spaces anyone else will need to go on a waiting list until The Hayes are in a position to release some more rooms, should they receive any cancellations. If you are planning on coming, please book early.
The next e-bulletin will be out around the weekend of the 21st January, and any articles/events you want shared will need to be with me by Friday 19th.
God bless
NJPN E-Bulletin 7th January 2024
Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and many blessings for the year ahead. From NJPN