All posts by Stephen Cooke

CBCEW Statement – Bishops urge ‘diplomatic efforts’ for a ceasefire in Gaza

Protesters wave flags during a pro-Palestinian demonstration. Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters have gathered in London and across the UK for rallies urging an end to Israel’s attacks in Gaza. Credit Darren Staples/Alamy Live News.

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Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in London and across the UK over the weekend for rallies urging an end to Israel’s attacks in Gaza.

Darren Staples/Alamy Live News

The Bishops of England and Wales have urged the UK government, to make “diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire, the immediate release of all hostages and the facilitation of humanitarian aid so that desperately needed food, water, fuel, and medical supplies can be safely delivered into Gaza”.

In a statement on the Israel and Hamas war, released on Monday, Bishop Declan Lang, chair of the bishops’ conference international affairs department, and Bishop Nicholas Hudson, chair of the Holy Land Co-ordination, said, “We will continue to add our voice to the impassioned chorus calling for justice, peace, and the cessation of the suffering that has descended upon the Holy Land.”


Cafod, Christian Aid and other agencies handed in a petition to the Foreign Office in London on 2 November, with 300,000 signatures, urging the government to support a ceasefire to prevent further loss of life in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. More humanitarian access must be granted to ease unimaginable levels of suffering, they said.


The previous day, Jewish protesters were among those calling for an end to attacks on Gaza. Gathered in the main concourse of St Pancras Station station, they carried banners saying: “Free Palestine”, “never again for anyone” and “Jews say ceasefire now!” Peaceful demonstrations also took place at Liverpool Street station in London, New Street station in Birmingham and Queen Street Station in Glasgow.

Dozens of peace vigils and marches calling for a ceasefire are planned in cities and towns around the UK this coming weekend. Organisers, such as Stop the War, have condemned as “outrageous” comments by Home Secretary Suella Braverman saying that pro-Palestinian protests are “hate marches”. Stop the War said, “The unimaginable suffering of the people of Gaza demands we raise our voices in protest.” Organisers in London have said there is no intention of marching on or near Whitehall, in order not to disrupt events at the Cenotaph.

The Community Security Trust, which helps protect the Jewish community from antisemitism, was among those to condemn the protests. In a blog, the trust said: “Another Saturday, another anti-Israel protest, another weekend in which British Jews are exposed to an outpouring of hate in our capital and across the UK – Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, the list goes on.”

Meanwhile, Pax Christi England and Wales is promoting the white poppy of the Peace Pledge Union, in order to “stand up for peace and recognise the true human cost of war”. Pax Christi asked its members to remember that military personnel are not the only victims of war: “Remember the innocent civilians, the stretcher bearers, the victims of genocide, the merchant navy, the rescue workers, the ambulance drivers, the broken families.”  

Alternative remembrance services are to be held on Sunday at Tavistock Square in London and at the Quaker Meeting house in Edinburgh, where participants will observe two minutes’ silence and white poppy wreaths will be laid in memory of all victims of war. One of the London speakers is Pat Gaffney, vice president of Pax Christi England and Wales, who will highlight ongoing work with peace campaigners in Israel and Palestine.

Friends of the Holy Land is supporting the launch of an appeal by the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem, who has highlighted hardship in the West Bank as well as in Gaza. The Patriarchate is distributing food, water, medicines and other supplies.

This article was published by The Tablet –

Geoff Thompson: May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

NJPN is so sorry to have to share the very sad news that Geoff, our Administrator, died on the morning of the feast day of All Saints, after a short illness.                        

A person of great faith, Geoff is now at peace.                                                                                                 

We pray for Geoff’s family, his many friends and all his justice and peace colleagues.

NW NJPN E Bulletin November 2023


Please pass on to others.

Best wishes

Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin November 2023

NJPN E-Bulletin 29th October 2023

Our Lady Queen of Palestine….pray for us…
(Her Feast Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in October)

‘God of Comfort,
send your Spirit to encompass all those whose lives
are torn apart by violence and death in Israel and Palestine.
You are the Advocate of the oppressed
and the One whose eye is on the sparrow.
Let arms reach out in healing, rather than aggression.
Let hearts mourn rather than militarize.’

Full prayer by Rose Berger:

(From Sojourners website)


Dear Friends,

Two weeks on and it is nothing but bad news in Palestine. There are so many articles out there, and the news is changing pretty much hourly, that it has been hard to keep up. I have tried to include a diverse selection of pieces.

We have also had some very sad news amongst our own. Anne Peacey our Chair writes: – 

NJPN is very sorry to share the sad news that Geoff, our Administrator, is seriously ill in hospital. Please could we all pray for Geoff, his family and his many close friends. Thank you.
(Very appropriate today as it is the Feast of Our Lady of Palestine, and Geoff spent several holidays out there seeing friends and helping with the olive planting/harvesting).

Details of our Networking Evening on the 21st November are below, and we are hoping that as many of you as possible will be attending. It will be your chance to discuss your burning issues, and share your successes with others.

Our next e-bulletin should be out around the 12th November. Any articles for inclusion will need to be received by the 10th November please.

God bless,


Click here to download


The October issue of the NW NJPN E BULLETIN leads with news of Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s latest comments concerning refugees and asylum seekers and an urgent action request by the campaigning group Safe Passage. Other articles feature Black History Month; Pope Francis’ new Apostolic Exhortation on the climate crisis Laudate Deum (Praise God), released ahead of COP28 in Dubai next month, and a challenging poem by Norman MacCaig inspired by St Francis of Assisi whose Feast Day, 4 October, marks the end of Creation Time.  Journalist Joseph Kelly reflects on the Synod on Synodality and also on the underlying causes of knife crime in the aftermath of recent attacks. We reproduce an excellent editorial from Together for the Common Good (do look at the many articles, podcasts and events on offer on their website) as well as highlighting Challenge Poverty Week (16-22 October).  News in today announces that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Iranian women’s rights campaigner Narges Mohammadi.

Please read and pass on to others.

Best wishes

Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin October 2023

NJPN E-Bulletin 1st October 2023


” I am just one person,” said 7 billion people…

(on the cover of The Eco News)

Dear Friends,

I hope that you have had a good September, and have managed to celebrate the Season of Creation in some way. It seems bizarre to think that whilst members of communities all around the country are trying to do things to help the climate in their own little way, we have a Government that seems to be reneging on their climate promises. More about that in the Climate Section below – and I make no apologies that again the main focus is on the Climate.

We have a very important Action of the Week with a deadline of this Thursday, the 5th October at 12 Noon. Please note it is for senior and local UK Church leaders from any denomination or independent church, as well as open to members of UK Catholic and Anglican religious orders, heads of lay communities and senior leaders of UK-based Christian charities. 

Last Saturday we gathered in Birmingham for our Open Networking Day on The Windrush Generation. It was a very interesting day, and Ann Farr’s report on it is linked below. To me, though, the great thing about these days is meeting with like-minded people and hearing about the good work that is going on elsewhere. There is always something to be learned from both the speakers and the attendees.

The next edition will again be in three weeks time, around the weekend of the 14th/15th October. If you are wanting anything advertised in the next edition, please make sure that I receive the information by Friday 13th October. Many thanks to those of you who send articles in.

Stay safe, and have a good few weeks,


NJPN E-Bulletin 1st October 2023


The NW NJPN E BULLETIN SEPTEMBER 2023 highlights the next NJPN Networking Day to be held in Birmingham on Saturday 23 September with a focus on the 75th anniversary of Windrush.  Our guest will be Rev. Canon Eve Pitts who will speak of the experiences of people from the Caribbean and the issues of racial justice that we still need to address today. Rev. Eve was the first black woman vicar in the Church of England and is a long-standing campaigner for racial justice.


Closer to home, Lancaster Diocese Faith and Justice Commission are hosting a Care for Creation event on Saturday 7 October.  


50 years after General Pinochet’s military coup in Chile, renowned political artist Peter Kennard is re-staging the photomontage he created in response to the violence that ensued – his 1985 exhibition of that work at London’s Barbican Arts Centre was subject to censorship at that time because a meeting between Pinochet’s financial officials and British bankers was taking place there.  Peter is now showing the exhibition in London from 12-23 September – read his chilling account, click on the images and go to see them if you can.


There are many events in the J&P Calendar taking place nationally and across the NW in the coming weeks plus the exciting news that Manchester University has appointed the first-ever Professor of Comparative and Ukrainian Politics in the UK and the wider English-speaking world.  Schools news feature the latest Columban Media Competition 2023-2024 on the theme ‘Biodiversity Matters’ plus a conference in Liverpool on 13 October run by Catholic Education Service (CES), Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), and the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD).


Please read and pass on to others.


Best wishes


Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin September 2023

NJPN E-Bulletin 10th September

Dear Friends,

We’re back! Thank you for your patience during this time. It has been a very busy few weeks, but the Conference is now a distant, but very good memory – and plans are afoot for the next one! More on the Conference later.

We are now in the Season of Creation, and in my parish we will be having Masses around the creation theme this weekend. This is the third year running we have celebrated it, and it is something that young and old alike engage in. We have a cloth ‘river’ running down the altar steps, and in the porch we have some large, flat stones, that one of our teenagers has decorated with creation-themed quotes. These will be brought down the aisle in our offertory procession, and laid ‘in’ the river. I find it quite amazing the ideas that come to the fore.

Something else that has also amazed me is the number of people who turned up to a Social Action Evening at our church on Friday. From being a church that struggled to find volunteers for anything, we ended up with 60 people engaging with our Diocesan Caritas Director, and some representatives from CAFOD. It was a thinly-veiled attempt to launch Live Simply, but it was remarkable that so many people wanted to get involved in general outreach – those that, due to busy lives, are usually unable to get involved in anything. Everyone sensed that need to do something and be part of something…..All we have to do now is channel their enthusiasm
before it wanes!

As you can imagine, after so many weeks of no e-bulletin, there are
multiple articles that I could share, but this particular one will be dedicated, topically, to the Climate/Environment. There are plenty of actions and events that you can get involved with – and many without leaving your armchair!

The next edition will be out in three weeks’ time, the 1st October. The reason being that we are holding one of our Open Networking Days in Birmingham on Saturday 23rd September (more details below). I hope to be there (although don’t fancy getting the train at 4.25am!). It will be good to see some familiar faces, as well as some new ones!

If you are wanting anything advertised in the next edition, please make sure that I receive the information by Friday 29th September. Thank you.

Enjoy what I hope will be the last of the very hot weather,

God bless


NJPN E-Bulletin 10th September 2023 

NJPN Open Networking Day 23 September: Birmingham

The next NJPN Open Networking Day will be held at the Polish Millenium House in Birmingham. In this year of the Windrush 75th anniversary our speaker will be Rev. Canon Eve Pitts who will speak of the experiences of people from the Caribbean and the issues of racial justice that we still need to address today.

Rev. Eve was the first black woman vicar in the Church of England and is a long standing campaigner for racial justice.

All are welcome to this event.

Please see poster and directions to the venue.

Meeting Poster – click here to download

Directions to the venue are available by clicking below

Directions to Polish Millennium House