All posts by Stephen Cooke

Humanity’s finest Consensus – 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 60th anniversary of Pacem in Terris

A Statement of the Executive Committee of Justice and Peace Europe on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day 2023

On 10 December 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Seventy-five  years later Justice and Peace Europe wishes to underline the enduring importance of this document. The Universal Declaration, together with the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris, published 60 years ago, inspires us in our mission to promote human rights. The lack of respect throughout the world for their contents is deeply worrying.

Universal Declaration and Pacem in Terris
We consider the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the finest consensus of humanity in modern times. However, in a world scarred by cruel wars and deadly famines, and torn apart by so much censorship and intolerance, it may also be the most fragile. For us as the Executive Committee of Justice and Peace Europe a second, equally important source of inspiration is the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris. Pope Saint John XXIII  published it sixty years ago on 11 April 1963, to the attention “of all men of good will”. It was the first time that an encyclical letter referred to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it is therefore appropriate to remember both documents together by recalling their key provisions.

Human rights are universal and inalienable
The Universal Declaration established the normative profile of human rights: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (Art.1). Thus, it was recognized that this dignity is inherent … and not bestowed by human authority, and that these fundamental human rights are inalienable …and cannot be disenfranchised. The encyclical letter Pacem in Terris repeats this central tenant of human rights. They are not man made, they preexist. Pope Saint John XXIII notably added that the human person has not only rights but also duties, which both are then “universal, inviolable, therefore altogether inalienable” (N° 9).

The right to life and liberty
Among the rights of the Universal Declaration, we recall in the first place the right to life, liberty and security of the person (Art. 3), to which Pacem in Terris adds the right “to the means necessary for the proper development of life” (N°11). Thus, it is saddening to see that despite important progress extreme poverty remains a reality for every tenth person in the world. We also recall the demand of the Universal Declaration “that no one shall be held in slavery and servitude” (Art.4). In Pacem in Terris we read that true freedom is that freedom which most truly safeguards the dignity of the human person”. (N°14). In this respect we are concerned to see that the number registered victims of human trafficking has increased again since the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic (+9,5% in the European Union).

Migration, and the right to seek asylum
Art. 13 of the Universal Declaration enounces freedom of movement within the borders of each state and the right to leave any country, including one’s own. Art. 14 defines the right of everyone “to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from prosecution.” Pacem in Terris acknowledges the right to “emigrate and immigrate”. More generally speaking, people should have the right to stay or to migrate, as Pope Francis recently stressed. In an era of mass migrations because of hunger, war, and climate related natural disasters, respecting these rights is challenging for every government. It is, however, unacceptable that the borders of our continent, in the image of the Mediterranean Sea, have become cemeteries for those who just sought a better future. Pope Francis has incriminated “cruel trafficking and the fanaticism of indifference” for this scandal (22 September 2023 in Marseille). We expect European governments to fulfill their moral and legal obligation to rescue people in distress.

The Family – a primary unit
When it comes to the family, both documents converge. In Art. 16 the Universal Declaration defines the family as “the natural and fundamental group unit of society”. N° 16 of the Pacem in Terrissuggests that “the family, founded upon marriage freely contracted, …, must be regarded as the natural, primary cell of human society“ and goes on to request that “the interests of the family, therefore, must be taken very specially into consideration in social and economic affairs”. In the European Union, family/children benefits rose about 50% between 2000 and 2020 without, however, affecting birth rates, which are well below the replacement fertility rate. In addition to sufficient financial support for parents and family caregivers, it is crucial to shape the structures in the economy and society in such a way that they make it possible to reconcile family life and professional career

Freedom of religion or belief
Freedom of conscience and religion, as expressed in Art. 18 of the Universal Declaration, and the freedom “to profess religion both in private and public” as reads Pacem in Terris (N°14) have deteriorated globally in recent years. In particular, autocratic rule and ethnically and nationalistically charged tensions are a major threat to religious freedom. Lately, countries like Afghanistan, China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Saudi Arabia witnessed significant regression of religious freedom. In our view, the freedom to practice religion in private and in public prevailing in most European countries is a privilege, which comes with the duty to promote this fundamental right where it is threatened. European governments and the institutions of the European Union should reinforce their commitment to religious freedom globally. For example, the European Union should ensure that its “Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief” are applied consistently.

Cultural, economic and social rights
One fifth of the articles of the Universal Declaration are dedicated to social rights and they are extensively echoed in the encyclical letter of Pope Saint John XXIII. The latter determines furthermore that “the right to own private property entails a social obligation as well” (N°22). However, in many regions of the world social rights are probably the most disrespected. Currently, global inequalities are still at the level of the beginning of the 20th century with the average income of the global top 10% around forty times higher than average income of the bottom 50%. Reducing inequality by 2030 was one of the 17 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) agreed by the international community in 2015. Urgent action is needed especially in light of the differing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on rich and poor. Tackling poverty and inequality should become a priority for the new European Parliament and the next European Commission in 2024.

After the atrocities of World War II, mankind has made progress in implementing legal tools and institutions on national and international level, through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the past 75 years a strong common ground to defend human dignity has developed across all boundaries. In Europe we are particularly grateful for the European Convention on Human Rights. 60 years after the publication of the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris the Catholic Church has become a more explicit and much stronger promoter of human rights and the dignity of the human person. Both documents will continue to orientate our work as Justice and Peace Europe, whilst a huge lack of respect for human rights in many parts of our planet remains. Indeed, the finest consensus of Humanity, as expressed in these two documents, is also the most fragile. The efforts of all people of good will, will surely be needed to preserve it.

10 December 2023

The Executive Committee of Justice and Peace Europe

NW NJPN E Bulletin December 2023

The December issue of the NW NJPN E Bulletin leads with a challenging opinion piece by Professor Ian Linden entitled ‘Immigration or Inequality?’ – an excellent analysis of the current situation in the UK and beyond.  Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) condemns the resumption of the Israeli bombing of Gaza and calls for an arms embargo. Two recent gatherings to pray for peace – from Palestinian peacemakers The Amos Trust and the Pax Christi Advent service – contain moving prayers and readings that you may find useful for individuals or groups.  There are poems and reflections for Christmas including an interesting perspective on the Nativity story.  Joseph Kelly shares his thoughts on the Covid enquiry and there are also articles on COP28 – but do check out the latest NJPN E Bulletin for more info at

Resources include Pax Christi’s comprehensive range of material for Peace Sunday which will be celebrated on 14 January 2024, Thinking Faith at Boarbank Hall on Zoom and don’t forget we are fast approaching the deadline for The Columban’s Schools Media Competition.

Wishing you all the blessings of the Christmas season and praying for a peaceful New Year.

Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin December 2023 

NJPN E-Bulletin 3rd December 2023

(Image courtesy of the Salesians)

‘God of blessings, 
the universe sings of your glory. 
Deepen our gratitude for all you have made 
and awaken in us a renewed commitment 
to care for the earth and each other. 

Inspire world leaders at COP28, 
with openness to listen to those most affected by climate change 
and with courage to act urgently and wisely, 
so that our common home may be healed and restored  
and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it. 

Amen.  ’

(Prayer for COP28 taken from the CAFOD website)

Dear Friends,

I was working in London on Wednesday, and then had an event to attend afterwards. On my way back across the City to the station I was amazed at the amount of bars and restaurants that are now up there, and how many people were around enjoying a night out. More importantly, though, the amount of lights that there were on – decorations in the street, lights on trees, and a huge number of office buildings burning electricity. It was all very pretty, but considering the price of electricity, and the fact that we know we are depleting the world’s resources, this seemed totally wrong. As my son said, he was pretty sure that they didn’t all have solar panels! Does anyone know if there is a reason for all of these lights to be on (particularly in empty office buildings)? 

I felt so strongly about it, I may well send an email to our MP – but from past experience, I doubt that I will get much of a response. I would be interested to know whether anyone else has noticed an excess of lighting in their local towns or cities, or whether there is a lights-off policy in place.

This leads onto the topic of the moment this week – COP28. We have a COP special for you this time rather than a full e-bulletin. There are still a lot of links to newsletters of other charities, which will tell you about the work that they are doing, and there are the usual Events as well.

Also, we are having a joint Webinar with Christians Aware on Wednesday 13th December, more details of which are below.

Unless anything urgent comes up this will be the last E-Bulletin before Christmas and the New Year, with preparations under way for the Spring Edition of the NJPN Newsletter.

Wishing you a blessed Advent and Christmas, and a very kind 2024,


NJPN E-Bulletin 3rd December 2023 

2023-24 Winter MouthPeace

Editor writes: Last year we received hand made Christmas cards from the Ukrainian children who were living with our
neighbours and had become our friends. In August their mother decided they should go back to Kyiv – she was missing her
husband and wanted them all to be together as a family. Their home had been destroyed by bombing but they have
managed to get another smaller flat and feel reasonably safe. Israel/Gaza have taken over our news headlines but the war
in Ukraine continues. . The country still needs our prayers.
In this Mouthpeace there are several things to look at or to join on line. Thank you to Sue Gubric for all the information
she sends from Lancaster Diocese. She wrote: This newsletter is becoming an amazing vehicle for our joint ecumenical work
and is now being distributed far and wide!
This edition is being sent out  in time for the start of Advent as there are several differing reflections and zoom events we can join.  Also COP 28 starts  this Thursday 30 November and Green Christian are offering a short daily prayer on line while COP lasts.  Journey to 2030 have also prepared a special edition about this COP that you might find useful. If you would like to send a card to encourage someone whom JRS support, they would like to receive this at their London office by Thursday December 7th.   

NJPN Open Meeting: Wednesday 13 December 2023 7.00pm

in partnership with Christians Aware and Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, NJPN is inviting you to an online meeting.


While our attention is properly focused on the transformative and tragic Hamas attack of October 7th and Israel’s ongoing retaliation, we must ask the question: Where is the transformation going? Will the US and Europe exploit the violence to impose a regime of Israeli apartheid on the Palestinians in the guise of a “two-state solution,” as Biden has threatened, or will civil society be able to use the moment to defeat apartheid and promote a genuine resolution that guarantees the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis? What would a genuine peace require and how might it look?


Join Jeff Halper, the Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), as we explore these questions. The discussion is timely precisely at this moment, as Israel believes the legitimacy of its violent repression of the Palestinians in the eyes of governments — “To Victory!” as the Israeli government and military leaders cry — will enable it to finally defeat the Palestinians’ struggle for freedom in its homeland. What alternative vision and political program is called for? Join us for what will be a challenging conversation.   

Jeff Halper A4 poster – click here to download 

For further details and link, please contact Sharon at:


To join the meeting please follow the details below;

Topic: Jeff Halper webinar


Time: Dec 13, 2023 07:00 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 837 1935 8781


Passcode: 228171


NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin Mid November 2023

Despite the dark days that dominate the headlines at present the Mid November NW NJPN E Bulletin contains many signs of hope: in a letter for World Youth Day (26 November), Pope Francis describes youth as a time of “hopes and dreams”; Green Christian’s Annual Members Meeting reports a fruitful and wide-ranging discussion on finding hope; the Archbishop of Dublin finds hope in last month’s Synod; a fascinating conversation between actors Adrian Lester and Meera Syal, videoed during lockdown, discuss how sharing stories gives hope for understanding between different groups; reviewing Ken Loach’s latest film, The Old Oak, Fr Chris Hughes describes how the Tyne and Wear Citizens alliance of about 35 institutions including mosques, schools, charities, community groups, a universities, churches and trade unions allows shared concerns and hope to be located across diverse groups of people. 

The bulletin leads with poems, prayers and articles on the conflict in the Holy Land as well as issues closer to home: a call for urgent government action on the poverty that affects children, the elderly and disabled and homeless people; and Ian Linden’s latest blog looks at the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling against the Rwanda plan. Jesuit Refugee Service give details of a Christmas Greetings Card campaign and PACT has news of Advent carol services for prisoners and their families.

I have produced a series of weekly Advent reflections on the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love for individual or group use – you can download these using the link on page 17.

As we approach Advent and the Christmas season let us pray for peace in our hearts, in our communities and in our world.

Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin Mid November 2023

Next NJPN Open Meeting – 21st November 2023

What are the burning justice and peace issues that keep you awake at night?

Everyone is invited to an online event on Tuesday 21st November  7.30 – 9pm.

So many of us are living on a knife edge; asking: are we here tomorrow? What about the precariousness of life; How do we encountering reality? How do we survive as a society where no one is left behind?

What is the role of NJPN and all justice and peace activists in this time of upheaval and political and social uncertainty?

This will be an opportunity to share concerns, ideas, and suggestions for action.

For more details and the meeting link please contact:

Sharon, Acting Administrator at:




NJPN E-Bulletin 12th November 2023

(Image courtesy of the Peace Pledge Union)

A prayer commended by the Archbishop in Jerusalem:

O God of all justice and peace,
we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. 

Be with those who need you in these days of suffering;

we pray for people of all faiths

– Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land. 

While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace,

we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples.

Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children

– for to all of us  you are our Heavenly Father. 

In Jesus’ name we pray, 

(From the Fellowship of Reconciliation newsletter)

Dear Friends,

I start with the sad news that Geoff Thompson, our Administrator, passed away on the 1st November. Being a man of great faith, he would have appreciated the fact that it was All Saints Day. We remember Geoff in an obituary below. There are also details of his funeral, which will take place on Wednesday.

The unseasonal early Autumn warm weather is a dim distant memory, and I have had to put my heating on a couple of times in this past week, just to warm the house up a bit. I like to think I am doing my bit for the climate by not putting it on – but in reality, it is to save on the energy bills. I was reminded recently, though, that it is not always good to let your house get too cold. My other half has had a problem with mould on the walls of his flat, and when the Housing Association sent an Assessor to look at it he was told that the mould was caused by damp, and that he should be heating his flat up to at least 18 degrees to avoid that sort of a problem. If you can afford to have your heating on much of the time, that is fine, but most of us can’t. If anyone has any tips they want to share about saving energy and keeping the house warm, they would be gratefully received – and it would be good to be able to pass onto others.

Our Action of the Week today is to encourage you to attend a Christian Aid event that is taking place tomorrow (Monday 13th). Please attend if you can.

The next e-bulletin will be out in three weeks time. Before then we will be having our Networking Evening on the 21st November, which I hope as many of you as possible will attend. This is your chance to have your say on your burning issues, and how NJPN can respond. More details are below.

Please send any articles to be included by Friday 1st December to be included in the next edition.

Stay warm and safe,


NJPN E-Bulletin 12th November 2023