All posts by Stephen Cooke

Summer 2023 MouthPeace

Hello everyone 

Summer has arrived with some good sunny weather – and Summer Mouthpeace!
Again there is a lot about our climate emergency and various ways people are trying to tackle this – in schools, in parishes,  with other groups and local authorities. 
There are zoom meetings to join and most are recorded so can be watched in your own time.  Note: The Pax Christi member, Ann Wilson’s talk on June 6th about her time in the West Bank  is not recorded. On the Israel/Palestine theme there is also things about Nabka this 75th Anniversary year.  
There are also articles about ‘Women in Prisons’, Lancashire Churches Together partnership with the public sector and  Hiroshima – the play ‘The Mistake ‘ and the book ‘Half life of Snails’ 
Wishing you a good summer,

NJPN E-Bulletin 22nd May 2023

‘Communicating in a cordial manner means that those who read or listen to us are led to welcome our participation in the joys, fears, hopes and suffering of the women and men of our time. Those who speak in this way love the other because they care and protect their freedom without violating it.’
Pope Francis for World Communications Day

Dear Friends,

This is a shorter e-bulletin than normal (although some of you will breathe a sigh of relief, I’m sure!)

It has been a busy couple of weeks, and the Conference bookings have taken longer than I thought they would. If you haven’t yet put your form and deposit in, please do so as soon as possible, as we are filling up fast. Don’t forget to email it to my address –, or you can still post it into Eccleston House and it will find its way to me, albeit a bit slower than by email!

If you want to know more details of our Conference, see Ellen Teague’s article through the Columban Missionaries website. I particularly like Christine Allen’s (Director of CAFOD) words: – “I am delighted to be speaking at the Conference, which is an inspiring reminder of how people up and down the country are working tirelessly to secure a better future for our common home.”

Don’t forget, there may be help available if you would like to come but cannot afford it. This particularly applies to young people and students. Ask the question, and we will see what we can do.

The next e-bulletin should be out around the 4th June, so if you want anything shared, please make sure I have it by the 2nd June. Also, if you know of anyone with an interest in justice and peace issues, please share this e-bulletin with them. You never know, they may even want to subscribe themselves!

Wishing you a good fortnight,


NJPN E-Bulletin 21st May 2023

Catholic Social Action Network on Environment: Investments as a force for good?

Catholic Social Action Network on Environment:  Investments as a force for good?

Thursday 15th June, 6.30, ONLINE

Special network event focusing on how church funds are used in relation to the climate debate. 

  • Stephen Barrie, Deputy Chief Responsible Investment Officer at the Church of England Pensions Board
  • Bokani Tshidzu, Bright Now Campaign Officer, Operation Noah

For information and registration go to:


NJPN E-Bulletin 7th May 2023

 ‘Grant that I may be a blessing to all thy children, of every faith and belief, and together we may discover the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace’

King Charles III during his Coronation on 6th May 2023

Dear Friends,

Today is the start of a new era as far as the monarchy is concerned. The big question is, will it change with the times and make itself more relevant! Our new King was gardening organically before it was even a ‘thing,’ and he has had a lifelong interest in the environment. This came across quite strongly in the words that Prince William spoke at the celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee just under a year ago.

Although the King is not supposed to be political, and indeed I seem to remember that Liz Truss advised him against attending the last COP, but it is my fervent hope that he will break the mould and make a stand for the climate. 

Our Action today is wrapped up with the Coronation – in The Big Help Out. Also, I know that there are many that are not fans of the Royal establishment, so there is also an article giving a more J & P take to the proceedings.

At present, our Administrator is away from work, and I am picking up emails and Conference bookings. If you have booked a place at the Conference in July, and have not yet received an acknowledgement, or have any concerns about your booking, please contact me directly on the E-bulletin email address:

Also, please be advised that our Networking Day/AGM (details above) that was due to take place in London next weekend, 13th May, has now been changed to an online event. This is due to the threatened rail strikes on that day. If you want to take part, please send me an email and someone will forward a Zoom link.

All being well, the next e-bulletin will be produced for the 21st May. If you have anything you want shared, please send it to me by Friday the 19th. (please be aware that I will need a link to an article on your own website, and I cannot include PDF’s, but can use most other formats).

God bless,


NJPN E-Bulletin 7th May 2023

NJPN Open Networking Day and AGM – 13th May 2023

Zoom Meeting


The next networking day and AGM will take place on  Saturday 13 May 2023 from 10:45am – 4:00 pm


For further details and meeting link contact NJPN at



Download the Poster here

The programme for the day can be downloaded by clicking here


In the NW NJPN JUSTICE AND PEACE E BULLETIN for MAY 2023 Joseph Kelly raises concerns about the ‘safe routes’ for non-British asylum seekers fleeing the current conflict in Sudan; we have a wealth of topical articles on The Holy Land following recent fact-finding visits; the Jesuit Refugee Service UK (JRS UK)’s new report: Napier Barracks: the inhumane reality examines the fate of people in the asylum camp at the disused Napier Barracks in Kent; former Home Office advisor Jon Kuhrt discusses Dominic Raab’s resignation; there are various peace reports; a wide range of resources and we mourn the death of Michael Winter, former priest and long-time advocate and campaigner for married clergy.


Please read and pass on.


Best wishes

Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin May 2023

Latest News from Church Action on Poverty

SPARK:  The summer 2023 issue of Church Action on Poverty’s newsletter is now available to download. Read inspiring stories of community campaigners from Cornwall to Merseyside, and much more.


NJPN E-Bulletin 23rd April 2023

 NJPN E-Bulletin 23rd April 2023


‘While all of us in the environmental 
industry hope to work ourselves out 
of a job, there will never be a day when 
Earth Day is no longer needed.’

Evan Raskin (National Campaign Manager, Earth Day)


Dear Friends,

What a busy weekend! As I write this, thousands of people are demonstrating in London for The Big One – not only activists, but members of the RSPB, various organisations dealing with justice and peace/climate issues, church members, religious organisations – and so the list goes on. Todays demonstrations coincide with Earth Day, and I have shared a few articles around this theme.

We have the usual articles on the Climate, Refugees and Palestine; plus this time some on the situation in Sudan. My eldest son, who is not involved at all in J & P issues, mentioned to me last weekend that he had just read a post on Reddit  from somebody in Sudan, who basically said that he expected to die very soon. Some of his friends and family had died and the soldiers were closing in on where he was hiding. This really affected my son, especially as we have no idea what happened to the poor guy who posted it.

All being well, the next E-bulletin will be out around the 7th May, which will be a week before our AGM/Networking Day on the 13th May. The theme of the day is ‘Women in Prison’ and we have three speakers, all with experience in the different ways in which prison affects women. It is taking place in London. and more details are on our website. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. 

Wishing you a good couple of weeks, and if you have anything you want shared, please do so by Friday 5th May. Thanks so much to those of you who send articles through.

Kind regards



NJPN E-Bulletin 23rd April 2023

NW NJPN E Bulletin for mid-April 2023

The NW NJPN E Bulletin for mid-April focuses on an ongoing pilgrimage to the Holy Land with some excellent homilies from Deacon Patrick Van der Vorst who may be familiar to regular reader of Independent Catholic News for his daily Gospel in Art reflections – to read more reports as the pilgrimage continues log on to ICN

There are reports from Green Christian, Christian Aid, the Balfour Project, Pax Christi, Campaign Against Arms Trade and Aid to the Church in Need plus a look at Saint Pope John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in Terris, sadly still as relevant today

For those of you in the Liverpool area don’t miss a talk by Ann Wilson tomorrow on behalf of  EAPPI, the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (sorry for the short notice) – details on the diary page.

Please read and pass on to others.

Best wishes

Anne O’Connor

NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin mid April 2023 

Quaker faith in action newsletter

The below is the latest news from the Quakers

Quaker faith in action

March 2023

Dear Friend,

      “…we know that there isn’t one right thing to do, the important thing is to do our best, and not give up. We each commit to listen to each other, love and support each other, work and worship together. […] The universe is participatory, there are no bystanders. Our commitment to climate justice encourages us to see everything we do as something which is of god or against god.”
– Living Witness 2022 Closing Minute
This month many Quakers will be gathering in London with others on Friday 21 April to take a stand for climate justice. If you’d like to be there, you can find out more here. We are holding you in the Light.

Action on climate justice can take many forms, as well as protest. This newsletter looks at some of the many ways you can find a place in the climate justice movement and some of the heartfelt and heartening work Quakers are already undertaking.

In Friendship, 

Faith in Action Coordinator

Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW)


The Big One: Climate Protest 21 – 24 April

                                                                                                                                          Image: Unsplash by Markus Spiske

On the weekend of 21 – 24 April 2023, Quakers across Britain will be gathering with others in London to give witness to our concern for climate justice. If you will be attending, Westminster Meeting Library will be serving as a base from 9:00 until 17:00 each day (except Sunday morning, when it is in use for meeting for worship). You can find more information about what will be happening each day here.

Many Friends have spoken about wanting a visible Quaker presence so if you have banners, bringing them would be much appreciated. You can also buy a Quakers for Climate Justice t-shirt here if you would like.

If you would like more information, please contact


Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS)

13 April – 9 May 2023

                                                                                                               Image: Global Campaign for Military Spending

Quakers will once again be supporting the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS).

This annual event is timed to coincide with the release of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s figures on the colossal sums spent worldwide on armed forces. This is money which contributes to military carbon emissions and diverts funding from work to stop climate breakdown. GDAMS helps to spread the word about military spending while the media’s attention is focused on the issue. It makes it an ideal time to hold a vigil or join an existing action
See here for further details and for any queries or to let us know what your meeting will be doing, please contact


Awards Made by Quaker Housing Trust

                                                                                                                                                        Image: Quaker Housing Trust
Quaker Housing Trust made awards in February to three great organisations to create safe and secure homes.Ella’s in London received a pledge to support the purchase of a new safe house for women who have been trafficked. Assist Sheffield received an award to support the purchase of new property to house refugees.  An award was also made to Deptford Ragged Trust to support the development of 33 flats for young people who have experienced homelessness in south London.

If you would like to support future work by the Quaker Housing Trust, you can donate here to make sure we can make awards like this in the future.


Free session on nonviolent Indigenous (Adivasi) resistance to coal mining

                                                                                                                                                 Image: Soni Sori by Garima JainA way to both learn and teach, the recording from this month’s Peace Education Network is now available to watch here. This skills share from London Mining Network demonstrates a collaborative teaching workshop exploring the experiences of frontline communities resisting the impacts of mega coal mining. It highlights what is at stake for people on the frontlines of defending against climate breakdown. 

This recording could support you to run an event in your community to discuss climate change, especially as protests in London could put it back in people’s minds this month.

The next skillshare will be with Positive Negatives and Life Worlds on 21 June. Contact for more information.


Getting active on climate justice after April

                                                                                                                                                 Image: Quakers in Britain
Quakers in Britain will be offering the following online sessions in the month after 21 April to look at a range of ways to take action if you feel energised by having gone to London, or want to act on climate justice but don’t feel that large protests are where you are being led.

  • The Big One Debrief on 3 May: a space to be together and prayerfully reflect on the action in London from 21 April – 23 April (link to be sent to those who attended)
  • Nurturing Nature on 9 May: looking at practical local projects protecting nature, with case studies from Spiceland, Hoddeston and Norton Local Meetings
  • Building Community Power on 18 May: drawing on ideas from Rupert Read’s ‘moderate flank’ and Citizens UK, with case studies from Newcastle and Taunton Local Meetings
  • Pressuring Powerful Institutions on 22 May: focusing on influencing existing power structures, with case studies from Quakers involved in climate change direct action and Quakers in Britain’s Loss and Damage campaign
Adult Education Grants open
                                                                                                                                                    Image: Quakers in Britain       
“It has been a nourishing, challenging, transformative experience, which will remain with me going forward.”  – MA graduate in Gender, Media and CultureAny mature student or graduate who is a member of Britain Yearly Meeting, or an attender of at least five years, can apply for an Adult Education Grant to follow a course that will equip them to serve society or Quakers in Britain if they need financial support to do so.

For more information on the grants and how to apply, please click here.

International peacebuilding Special Interest Meeting

Saturday 22 April 16:00 – 17:00 (BST)

                                                                                    Image: AfriNov (Benson Khamasi in action delivering nonviolence training)

Come along to hear about QPSW supported international peacebuilding work including nonviolence in East Africa and the conciliation programme.

Guest speakers are Benson Khamasi (Programme Officer at AfriNov, Kenya) and Ivan Hutnik from the QPSW international conciliation programme. They will share their experiences about nonviolence and conciliation approaches in international contexts and offer some thoughts about the importance of truth and integrity in their work.

This online Special Interest Meeting (SIM) is part of the preparation for Yearly Meeting 2023. To attend you’ll first need to register for Yearly Meeting, you’ll then receive an email when the online info goes live to book your place. More SIMs organised by QPSW will be announced in this mailing, so keep an eye out for the full list!

We really want to highlight things that are happening all over the country so if you have some good news or know of someone else’s work you think we should celebrate, please email us at

This month we’re focusing on just a few of the ways Quakers are taking action on climate breakdown and biodiversity loss.

Norton Quakers: Creating a nature haven

                                                                                                                                      Image: Tees Valley Wildlife Trust   
Norton Quakers partnered with The Wildlife Trust to create a nature garden in the grounds of their meeting house, despite having to overcome the challenge of it being filled with unmarked graves! You can watch a video about how they creatively and collaboratively approached this here, with the aim of creating a green space for nature and their community.

Malvern Quakers: Vigil for Defenders of the Earth

                                                                                                                                    Image: Melanie Jameson, 2023   
Malvern Quakers held a vigil in partnership with their local Extinction Rebellion group to  to honour people who have died or been imprisoned defending the earth – a moving example of how we can work with others in a our community on our concerns. You can read more here.

Chelmsford Meeting: Supporting Activists on Trial

                                                                                                                                      Image: Chelmsford Quaker Meeting   
Quakers in Chelmsford Quaker Meeting hosted Just Stop Oil protesters who were in the area for their trials, providing valuable support for their protest without being at the site themselves. You can read more here.