NJPN response to the impact of benefit cap
The Lord hears the cry of the poor, blessed be the Lord (Psalm 34)
Statement from NJPN for Catholic Universe: Monday 7 November 2016
As an organisation rooted in Catholic Social thought we are called to listen to those who cry out and to add our voices to the pleas of those who feel alienated and ignored. In a society where it appears that economic value overrides human dignity, we must look beyond mere statistics which tell us very little of the daily struggle that many families face in order to make a ‘good’ life.
As a society we recognise that family is the bedrock of our society and our future lies in the protection and nurturing of our children. Yet many households affected by the new benefit cap include children, who will feel deprived of many of the advantages enjoyed by their peer group. This is a grave injustice which diminishes all.
Children living in poverty have limited access to all the advantages that lead to a happy childhood and their development into fully rounded human beings able to make a valuable contribution to society.
Educational opportunity needs more than just subsistence level funding, this leads to inequality of opportunity lower levels of aspiration, disenchantment and alienation which affects us all.
We must continue in our efforts to listen and respond to the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves and challenge the structures and legislation which lead to division and inequality within our society.
Anne Peacey. Chair, NJPN
NJPN Office, 39 Eccleston Square, London SW 1V 1BX
T: 020 7901 4864
E: admin@justice-and-peace.org.uk