Positive Faith videos and website from Catholics for AIDS Prevention
The Catholic Archbishop of Southwark, Peter Smith and his Anglican Counterpart Bishop Christopher Chessun welcomed people living with HIV, other Christians, theologians and public health sector professionals to Romero House in London on October 11th 2017 for the public launch of a new video series and website from Catholics for AIDS Prevention and Support (CAPS), Positive Faith.
This is a unique project, the product of many years pastoral experience. Positive Faith was devised and produced by Christian people living with and affected by HIV. In a series of videos, people directly affected along with pastors and theologians, discuss HIV and how it interacts with their faith. What’s more, this resource has been funded by an agency of Government – Public Health England (PHE) – as part of their HIV Prevention Innovation Fund. It is the first online resource of its kind anywhere in the world.
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