Young people at NJPN Conference 2015
NJPN is working to encourage the participation of families in the annual justice and peace conference, aiming to provide:
‘a great opportunity for families to grow together in faith’
Printed below are three reports written by young attendees at the conference in July of this year.
‘As we know networking starts small and grows like a plant. Inspiration starts here, networking starts here and people grow.
Some of you may remember that last year at the conference, the children in YKids raised some money for a charity called Toilet Twinning.
We raised enough money to give to some people in poor countries so that they could learn more about sanitation and so that they could get a toilet.
Last year we did a collection for the toilets and last year I was inspired.
This year I have given toilet twinning a lot more thought and told my parish about it. I also told my youth group and they have been incredibly supportive, now my church knows about toilet twinning and wants to help.
I have promoted toilet twinning even further by informing my Bishop about this charity and my MP was also sent a letter.
We wanted to tell even more people about toilet twinning and this gave our youth group the idea to sing carols in our local pub with our ‘new best friend’, a donated never-before- used toilet. We added this to the money raised at Church to twin two toilets.
We told everyone in the pub about toilet twinning and our MP sent his secretary, in his place, to sing with us.
Soon after, she came to one of our youth group meetings and told us that our MP wants to hold a coffee morning for our charity. This should give us the opportunity to meet the head of the borough council and hopefully we can inspire him to help our town become a ‘Toilet Twinning Town’
Our MP also told us he plans to nominate us for a humanitarian award so hopefully lots more people will hear about us and, most importantly, will learn more about toilet twinning.
And finally, I’d like to thank everyone who makes this conference what it is, by coming, by praying and by helping. Without being given the opportunity to come to this conference last year and YKids, I would never have known about toilet twinning.
Without NJPN this seed would never have been planted.
I’ve been inspired and I know others have too.
Thank you so much’
AM. Aged 11
‘In July I went to the Justice and Peace conference. While at I was at the Hayes Centre I got to try new things that I wouldn’t normally try and I remember some unforgettable things.
I had the chance to meet the man who had been to the prime minister of the Philippines to protest about how his people are not getting the treatment they need to survive in these long days.
I’d like to thank all the people who made it possible for me and my friends to go to Swanwick.
Being at the justice and peace conference has taught me something, among everything else I experienced, that we should all be true to who we are and accept the challenges life throws at us.
And I hope that we will be able to go to the NJPN conference next year.
Thank you,
T McG aged 11
‘Today I am here to tell you about ‘Pockets for Peace’
It all started right here last year. My sister and I were talking about peace and how we could bring about more of it. Then my sister said three words that started the whole thing. P4P
From that day on I have been making pockets whenever I am able to and have made 100 for this occasion.
Now, you might be wondering what these look like, they come in a range of simple crosses, flowers and some more complicated designs.
Inside each pocket you will find 2 fairtrade sweets, kindly donated by our Church Fairtrade Group, as well as a small message of peace.
They are £1 each but any further donations are gratefully appreciated, all the money goes to Pax Christi.
Finally I’d like to say please come and have a look at my stall; hopefully if we keep pushing we could really help people at war. Thank you.
EM Aged 9
Prior to this year’s conference the network introduced the ‘Rosemary Read Bursary Fund, to help families and others on low income attend the annual conference. So far the fund has provided support for 7 children and young adults.
To make a donation to our families bursary fund:
Please send a cheque, specifying that it is for the bursary fund to:
The Administrator, NJPN, 39 Eccleston Square, London. SW1V 1 BX
To make a payment by BACS Transfer to: National Justice and Peace Network,
Sort code: 16-31-15 Account No: 10089516
Please notify the Administrator when you have done so at: admin@justice-and-peace.org.uk