Home Mission Sunday: Share the Joy of the Gospel
This Sunday, 17 September, the Catholic Church celebrates Home Mission Sunday. This is an opportunity to inspire Catholics and help them to engage with the mission of the Church, whilst supporting the work of the Home Mission Office.
Often when we hear the word ‘Mission’ it is associated with the valuable work of sharing our faith and helping people in other countries. Whilst this is still important, the Home Mission Office helps Catholics to share their faith with those they love, know and meet on home turf. If home is where the heart is, the best place to start sharing our faith is with the people we carry in our hearts.
The Home Mission Office is part of the Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis at the Bishops Conference of England and Wales. Our long term vision is to help the Catholic Church make the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ a reality in England and Wales.
To help us realise our vision we will focus on the following areas this year:
- Enabling people to pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire their loved ones to turn towards Jesus.
- Inspiring communities to consider their approach to those seeking Christ by developing an attitude of welcome, acceptance and love.
Providing support and training for those engaged in sharing their faith.