Lenten Resource: On the Altar of the World- From Liverpool J&P and CAFOD Liverpool
This is the third Lenten Resource jointly prepared by the Liverpool Archdiocesan Justice and Peace Commission and CAFOD Liverpool, providing a complete course for the three years of the Church’s liturgical cycle. All three resources enable participants to study and discuss Pope Francis’ encyclical letter ‘Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home’ in the hope that we will make changes to our lives in the face of the global emergency of climate change.
As with the two previous resources there is material for each week of Lent, starting with the week after the first Sunday but omitting Holy Week. Again, this resource booklet is arranged in weekly sections with each section containing the Gospel for that Sunday, a story either from the UK or overseas, excerpts from Laudato Si’, and points for discussion and action. In this final resource, we focus even more on action – on how we can put our increased understanding into practice.
More information here:
On the Altar of the World -Lent Resource 2018