An update from ‘Seeking Sanctuary’
Supportive Cards can be sent to exiles in the Calais camp.
If you wish to send cards of support for the refugees to the Secours Catholique Day Centre in Calais they’ll be passed on to people during the team’s daily visits to the camp.
Please bear in mind the following:
The vast majority of the people are Muslims: please do not be too overtly Christian in your messages.
Write in short sentences using simple words.
90% of the residents are young men, aged 15 to 25: choose cards that may suit their taste. (We suggest that you address cards to “An exile”; “An exiled family”, or “An exiled child”, which may provide scope for a little variety.)
Feel free to add a return address or your email address: you may get some replies.
The address: An Exile, chez Secours Catholique, 434 route de Saint Omer, 62100 CALAIS, FRANCE.
About ‘Seeking Sanctuary’. There are currently some 6000 migrants in Calais (December 2015) and more nearby. ‘Seeking Sanctuary’ aims to raise awareness about this situation and is organising basic humanitarian assistance through Faith Communities and Community Organisations in partnership with experienced aid agencies such as ‘Secours Catholique’.
For further information on how you or your organisation can help, contact Ben Bano on 07887 651117 or Phil Kerton on 01474 873802. To check the latest news, visit our website on www.seekingsanctuary.weebly.com.