*** NJPN Action of the Week *** Rainforest Rescue
Stop eviction and land-grabbing – fight the causes of flight
While the United Nations is preparing a “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”, it is failing to address the causes of flight as countless people are being driven off their land to make room for vast soy and oil palm plantations.
When it comes to the destruction of rainforests and the eviction of indigenous peoples, illegal machinations involving at least the tacit approval of governments in many African, Latin American and Asian countries are the order of the day. Nevertheless, the UN is not doing anything about it.
Instead of showing solidarity with such governments, the UN must once again put the strengthening of human rights at the core of its work.
We call on the UN to draw up a pact against the causes of flight that would give all humans the right to live in their homeland in security and without fear of displacement. That should be the UN’s most important mission.
With your signature, make it clear to government representatives that they must not remain silent. It is their duty to denounce and combat eviction and environmental destruction.
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