NJPN E-Bulletin 25th April 2021
Dear Friends,
This weekend the Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday, where we are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Whether we have a particular leaning in that direction or not, we all have a vocation for something. The dictionary sums up vocation as ‘a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.’ I believe that all of us here are called to follow Jesus, and as CAFOD, in their weekly reflections say ‘Following him demands that we take care of the weak, vulnerable and marginalised in our world so that they are accepted and valued for themselves. Like Jesus, our love and acceptance are to be given freely and non-judgmentally. Our ear is always to be tuned to the voice of the Good Shepherd who leads us to new places and people and invites us to welcome all with open arms as he did.’
We cannot let this edition pass by without reference to the trial of Derek Chauvin, and comments surrounding the Guilty verdict. Our hope is that after the scenes from last year, and the outpouring of emotion from all around the World, that good will come out of it all, and that lessons will have been learned. I know many of us are now much more aware of racist issues in all walks of life.
In two weeks time, on Saturday 8th May, we have our AGM and Networking Day. The flyer for the day is at the top of this e-bulletin. You can register here. It would be great to see as many of you as possible for this meeting, which takes place via Zoom.
This also means that I won’t be producing the e-bulletin until the following week, the 16th May.
As mentioned previously, if you would like to share this e-bulletin with people that you think would appreciate it, please do so. Even better, if they like it, please encourage them to sign up to receive it regularly.
If you have something you particularly want shared, please send it to:- ebulletin@justice-and-peace.org.uk. This email address is usually only monitored when the e-bulletin is being prepared, so please do not expect an immediate answer when sending anything.
God bless,
Sharon (Editor)