Our next meeting:

Dear Friends,


On Monday April 7th next you are invited to attend the next National Justice and Peace Network Event entitled.


Opening the Doors to Refugees and Asylum Seekers


Monday April 7th at 7.30pm


To learn a little more about the sudden and forced movement of people to the UK in 2025 and how you, as a ‘Pilgrim of Hope’, can play your part in shining a light their hostile welcome as we “Welcome The Stranger” we invite you to complete the form below to ensure your attendance.


The Zoom Link to attend this Webinar will be sent to you closer to the event itself.

The NJPN Executive.

(National Justice and Peace Network)

We hope that you can be with us. You can register HERE

Brian O’ Toole for the National Justice and Peace Network.

Our most recent meeting:

Dear Friends,

Thanks to so many of you who were with us for our NJPN Webinar

Throwing Open the Doors to Freedom from Trafficking and Exploitation.


You will find the recording HERE

We promised to share some of the resources / links that were referenced last night
  1. https://santamartagroup.org/
  2. The Story of St. Josephine Bakhita
  3. Let the Oppressed Go Free Video – Timothy Schmalz HERE
  4. Talitha Kum Marathon online Prayer Service this weekend in honour of St. Bakhita you can join in from 10.30am this morning HERE
  6. Talitha Kum
  7. Mary Ward Loreto
I attach for your consideration: (please click below to download)
  1. The Prayer we used last night, that was especially composed for this event.
  2. Sr. Imelda’s Slide Deck
  3. Santa Marta Training-Handbook.
This year we are being called to “Pilgrims of Hope” and last night there was a resounding call to action: But what can you do?
  1. Watch and Share this recording with others.
  2. Check out the Santa Marta Website.
  3. Get to know Josephine Bakhita’s Story a little better.
  4. Write to your elected representative (sample letter HERE)
  5. Keep up with our other JNPN events HERE
  6. Become an NJPN Member HERE
“If we just do the ordinary things well” Sr. Imelda
To all who attended last evening, thank you so much but a special thanks to Sr. Imelda Poole who is working in Albania and to Kevin Hyland whose generosity of time and experience made last night’s event one to remember.
Brian O’ Toole
of the

National Justice and Peace Network

Previous NJPN Meetings