Latest J&P News from the North West
The NW NJPN E Bulletin for April 2019 leads with an article by Pax Christi’s former General Secretary Pat Gaffney looking back over her 29 years of dedicated service. An opinion piece by Dr Anna Rowlands challenges us to consider our response to the Shamima Begum case and we look too at the New Zealand terrorist attack in a hard-hitting article by an Australian theologian. There’s a report of the annual Ash Wednesday witness for peace at the Ministry of Defence as well as a plea for an end to UK arms sales to Yemen and the disturbing news of a thanksgiving service to be held by the government at Westminster Abbey to mark 50 years of the UK’s nuclear weapons systems.
Climate change is the subject of Bishop John Arnold’s Lent Pastoral Letter followed by the winning entry and runner-up in the Columbans’ climate change competition for young people – both excellent. An interesting article that readers may not have picked up on comments on a fact-finding visit by religious leaders from USA and South Africa to Israel and Palestine which compares racial discrimination in the former countries to the conflict in the Holy Land. All this plus news reports, resources and a packed diary including details of the NJPN Annual Conference in July – not to be missed!
Do please feel free to pass the bulletin on to others.
Wishing all our readers a blessed Easter.
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NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin April 2019