News from the North West
The April issue of the NW NJPN E Bulletin leads with CAFOD’s joyful response to the news that Oscar Romero is to be declared a Saint. Two young people from very different backgrounds are featured: a 16-year-old former migrant and Muslim girl, winner of the Columban’s young journalist competition, celebrating the love and acceptance shown by her local Catholic school community and a rousing speech, inspired by Dr Martin Luther King, from an 18-year-old African-American student from a poor area of Chicago at the March For Our Lives anti-gun rally in the US, a movement organised by teenagers following the Florida school mass shooting. Inspirational words too from Professor Stephen Hawkins, who died recently, nearly fifty years after being diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease, and the profound last words of Internet guru Steve Jobs plus reports of recent events, a book review of a chilling undercover operation to discover how the low-waged are treated in Britain, and a comprehensive diary of events across the NW from April to June.
We wish all our readers the joys and blessings of the Easter season.
Download the bulletin here: NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin April 2018