selection of Advent and Christmas poems and outcry against the Government’s Nationality and Borders Bill coupled with a stirring speech in the House of Lords by Lord Kerr which takes apart the Home Secretary’s negative (and erroneous) comments about economic migrants and asylum seekers. Ellen Teague reports on a Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament event “Building Bridges for Peace” and there are resources for Peace Sunday, 16 January 2022, on this year’s theme ‘Education, work and dialogue between generations: tools for building lasting peace’ chosen by Pope Francis. One of Britain’s best-loved poets, Roger McGough, argues that verse has a vital role to play in nurturing a child’s literacy and inventiveness, particularly in the current climate with anxiety levels rising exponentially, and among children especially. Also included is news of a Liverpool Friends of the Earth protest calling for the withdrawal of UK support for a climate-wrecking gas project in Mozambique which has been linked to conflict, human rights abuses, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.
Wishing all our readers the joys and blessings of the Christmas season.
Anne O’Connor
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin December 2021 [1]