Sr. Maire Hayes: Rest in Peace
The funeral service for Sr. Maire Hayes will take place in Olney, Northampton on Thursday 28 November.
Sr Maire was a dear friend and supporter of NJPN and had been a valued member of the executive since 2012. In sharing their thoughts exec, members have said that not only was Sr. Maire inspiring and insightful, her sense of fun and enthusiasm was infectious. Sr. Maire also possessed a deep sense of inner peace and this together with her unique life experience, was reflected in her contribution to all our discussions.
We all feel very blessed to have known her. May the Lord bless her and keep her.
Sr. Maire had also been a long serving member of GRASSROOTS Staff Team, and David Jonathan (Johny) from GRASSROOTS Programme writes in appreciation of Sr. Maire:
Sr. Maire was a great supporter of the Luton Council of Faiths, and she contributed significantly to inter-faith & cohesion work in Luton. She laid the foundation for Making Luton a Fairtrade Campaign. She never hesitated to take a stand for peace and justice in our world, not even when she lived under the authoritarian regime in Chile for over two decades. Soon after 9/11, she arrived in Luton. She became the Inter Faith Coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Northampton, and she carried out that role with great passion for nearly 20 years. We will always remain indebted for her support, guidance, and leadership in many different ways. She stood shoulder to shoulder with Luton’s different faith communities in testing times. Her spirit of defiance to those attempting to undermine the stability and integrity of diverse communities in our town has left a lasting impression on us all. She was admired by us all and by many more in Luton’s diverse faith communities for her gentleness, humility, grace, astuteness, diligence, and the dignified way in which she contributed to life in Luton. We are grateful for her life, her faith, and her selfless commitment to our town May she rest in peace and may we all remain united in our longing for peace in the world, and continue working together for the peace, unity, well-being, and prosperity of all in our town.
Peace be with you all, as Sr Maire would often say and pray.
David Jonathan (Johny) from GRASSROOTS
In February 2015 Sr. Maire contributed to the ‘Speaking Personally’ page on the NJPN website. The link below will give a deeper insight into her life and work.