Fostering a culture of encounter
Responding to the concern expressed by many following the decision to leave the EU, one of the keynote speakers at the forthcoming NJPN conference, Jenny Sinclair of ‘Together for the Common Good’ suggests that:
“Our response can be around the potential of what churches and individual Christians can do (and are doing) on the ground to foster a culture of encounter at local and neighbourhood level. We are well-placed to engage in the tough, patient work of reconciliation between different interest groups, and as honest brokers to build a common good across differences where there are estrangements. All of this can be promoted more broadly but it must be demonstrated by being lived out personally by people at parish level. We are custodians of a tradition that can help to heal divisions: love, mercy, honesty, relationships, and forgiveness. It won’t be easy to rebuild trust and there is a need for encouragement and formation in these things and we need a refreshed narrative as well as capacity building. Some communities have been ignored for a long time. It is important to acknowledge and respect that people have very different life experiences and views: we do not all have to be the same. We can enable different groups to speak honestly while also challenging demonisation wherever it occurs, no matter from what side.”
Together for the Common Good.See more here
Places still available at NJPN conference 15-17 July.