NJPN Conference update
The NJPN conference offers opportunity to take part in a number of workshops, each providing information and ideas for action on a range of issues.
Included are the following:
1. Sharing grassroots visions of the Good Society
Hear stories from Church Action on Poverty’s work alongside the UK’s poorest people- and explore how the approaches could make a difference in your own communities. You’ll be making your own contribution to an ongoing national conversation about how we can build a Good Society, starting at the grassroots.
2. What happens to democracy when women don’t have a seat at the table?
By focusing on the role of civil society in state-building, Progressio aims to put people and communities at the centre of social transformation in fragile states. In this workshop we’ll discuss the impact of what happens to democracy when women don’t have a seat at the table from and we’ll explore tools to create a more equal political space encouraging workshop participants to reflect on their own power and agency.
3. Monetary Reform, Social Justice and Faith
Positive Money is a movement to democratize money and banking so that it works for society and not against it. The workshop will give an introduction to Positive Money, look at how social justice principles apply to monetary reform, how faith connects to social justice, and what you can do.
4. Tax-dodging – an assault on democracy
The workshop will look at what we already know and think about tax-dodging, will give an overview of some of the ways it can take place and the effect it has both in this country and beyond. Building on the revelations of the Luxembourg Leaks and the Panama Papers we also look at the corrosive effects on our democratic structures.
5. Money makes the wars go around…and on and on!
Whether it is through taxation, investments, pensions etc. money keeps the war machine running. The workshop facilitated by Pax Christi will look at local and global initiatives that challenge this.
To book for conference Click here